@mnutty —I’m given some relief by documentaries like the “Wild Hope” series—just saw one on the reintroduction of beavers to the British countryside; as a keystone species beavers bring back biodiversity but also mitigate drought and flooding issues by broadening river wetlands.
“These days almost 40% of annual electricity in Ireland is supplied from renewables with wind being the dominant source. In fact, last year, on some of the days when wind was at its strongest, up to 80% of Ireland's electricity came from wind.”—George Lee, @rtenews #windenergy #climateresponse
Melting permafrost, the rising sea, and storm surges have rendered Newtok—along with dozens of other Alaska Native communities in northern and western Alaska—unlivable. Most residents have been forced to relocate.
#Alaska #Newtok #ClimateChange #Relocation #Permafrost #Sinking #AlaskaNative #ClimateResponse #FEMA #Law #Legal #Funding #Community
#alaska #newtok #climatechange #relocation #permafrost #sinking #alaskanative #climateresponse #fema #law #legal #funding #community