@happydisciple Nah the Saturday papers will be filled with the 3 stooges in front of congress doing 👽 🛸 circus distraction. The #ClimateScam #ClimateSceptics vote more times & read more red top papers than those who understand #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChaos bell-curves. AMOC collapse may happen 2025 but still on flat bit of bell-curve, probably by mid-century, 95% likely by end of century #NoWorries most of the "lobbied" politicians will have spent their💰 pensions by collapse probably...🤷♂️#SoItGoes
#climatescam #climatesceptics #climatecrisis #climatechaos #noworries #SoItGoes
£1.7m in Tory donations from fossil fuels and climate sceptics https://theferret.scot/conservative-party-donations-fossil-fuels/
#climatesceptics #lobbying
‘Save the only planet we have’: Tony Abbott joins climate-sceptic think tank https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/02/07/tony-abbott-climate-think-tank-gwpf/ #conspiracytheories #climatesceptics #climatechange #Environment #ENVIRONMENT #TonyAbbott #words_800 #Analysis #Politics #POLITICS #auspol
#conspiracytheories #climatesceptics #climatechange #environment #tonyabbott #words_800 #analysis #politics #auspol
Es wird nicht besser beim Vogel:
❗ Racist hate has gone up by 202%
❗ Homophobic slurs are up by 58%
❗ Misogynistic tweets have increased by 33%.
"Im November gab es 23.832 Tweets mit "climate scam", doppelt so viele wie im Oktober und acht Mal so viele, wie im zweijährigen Durchschnitt."
#TwitterMigration #hatespeach #climatesceptics #klimaleugner #klimawandel
#klimawandel #Klimaleugner #climatesceptics #hatespeach #twittermigration