⚡️Our new research forum on the intersection of environmental issues, peace, & conflict is now available.
The forum discusses six research streams and highlights the potential for mutual enrichment and future research.
📰Check it out ⏩ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09644016.2022.2156174 #ClimateSecurity
End-of-year review of how #ClimateSecurity fared in the #UNSC in 2022: ongoing divisions, progress made in 2022, and the outlook for 2023 👇
Last week Japan🇯🇵 announced it's new National Security Strategy - #ClimateSecurity is part of it.
In April 2021 I gave an interview in the @asahi_globe@twitter.com, when the idea was still new in Japan.
📰[In Japanese]⏩https://globe.asahi.com/article/14325321
⚡️New blog by @KatongoSeyuba@twitter.com : Advancing the #ClimateSecurity Agenda in the SADC Region.
Don't miss out on understanding the complex ways in which climate change is affecting peace and security in Southern Africa.
📰⏩Read it here: https://www.accord.org.za/analysis/advancing-the-climate-security-agenda-in-the-sadc-region/
⚡️New blog by @KatongoSeyuba@twitter.com : Advancing the #ClimateSecurity Agenda in the SADC Region.
Don't miss out on understanding the complex ways in which climate change is affecting peace and security in Southern Africa.
📰⏩Read it here: https://www.accord.org.za/analysis/advancing-the-climate-security-agenda-in-the-sadc-region/
Video synthesis 👇 of highlights of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference.
As the risks of global environmenal change to peace & stability grow in scale, scope & visibility, #BCSC2022 saw political decision-makers & practitioners discuss and agree on action on #ClimateSecurity.
⚡️Check out 'Global Responses to Climate Security: Discourses, Institutions and Actions' to learn about the role of International Organizations in mitigating and adapting to climate-related security risks.
Click the link to read more ⏩ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15423166221128180 #ClimateSecurity
⚡️Check out 'Global Responses to Climate Security: Discourses, Institutions and Actions' to learn about the role of International Organizations in mitigating and adapting to climate-related security risks.
Click the link to read more ⏩ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15423166221128180 #ClimateSecurity
10/ Also in other regions regional organizations play an important role in responding to #ClimateSecurity.
took a closer look at ‘Climate-related security risks in the SADC region’ in this November backgrounder ⏩ https://sipri.org/commentary/topical-backgrounder/2022/climate-related-security-risks-sadc-region
6/ Following the
Ministerial Decision on Climate Change,
explored how to take #ClimateSecurity forward in the OSCE in her blog from June ⏩ https://sipri.org/commentary/blog/2022/taking-climate-security-forward-osce
5/ Considering the tremendous #ClimateSecurity challenges Somalia faces,
looked at what an Integrated Approach to Climate Security and Peacebuilding in Somalia could look like ⏩ https://sipri.org/publications/2022/other-publications/towards-integrated-approach-climate-security-and-peacebuilding-somalia
⚡️It's been an incredible✨ year for research on #climate change, peace, and security @SIPRIorg@twitter.com!
Here are some highlights from our publications in 2022 - A thread 🧵👇 #ClimateSecurity 1/15
❌Practical approaches to addressing #ClimateSecurity risks lag behind awareness at policy level.
⚡🆕 @SIPRIorg@twitter.com policy brief Karen Meijer and @KatongoSeyuba@twitter.com offer thoughts on the role of #development actors in responding to climate & security links.
It was great, hosting colleagues of the #StockholmHub on Environment, Climate & Security earlier this week. So much exciting research on adaptation, #FoodSecurity, resilience, biodiversity, and #ClimateSecurity.
Read more about the Hub ➡️http://stockholmhub.org
#climatesecurity #foodsecurity #stockholmhub
Now just layer on climate impacts and extreme weather (heat waves, droughts, floods) that’ll worsen all the red below. https://www.economist.com/international/2022/11/02/how-men-with-guns-aggravate-global-hunger #foodsecurity #climatesecurity #waterwars #climatechaos #climateconflicts
#foodsecurity #climatesecurity #waterwars #climatechaos #climateconflicts
RT @Marisol_Maddox@twitter.com
State of the Cryosphere 2022 has been published!
"Our planet’s melting ice pays no attention to #climate pledges & #NDCs. It responds only to the level of carbon dioxide & warming in the atmosphere." #Arctic #Antarctica #cryosphere #COP27 #climatesecurity https://iccinet.org/statecryo22/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Marisol_Maddox/status/1589725182557814786
#climatesecurity #cop27 #cryosphere #antarctica #arctic #NDCs #climate
What is the relationship between #ClimateChange, peace & conflict in countries like🇸🇴🇲🇱🇦🇫🇮🇶🇸🇸 🇸🇩🇪🇹🇨🇴?
With support from @NorwayMFA🇳🇴, @SIPRIorg & @nupinytt publish factsheets that bridge science & policy for the 🇺🇳 @UN.
📰⏩www.buff.ly/3DRk9Tr #ClimateSecurity
#climatesecurity #climatechange
RT @MunSecConf@twitter.com
🔴 NATO Public Forum: Conversation with @NATO@twitter.com Secretary General @jensstoltenberg@twitter.com on #ClimateSecurity, moderated by @CNBCi@twitter.com's @_HadleyGamble@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MunSecConf/status/1541772521695055872
« Floods in western Europe, Wildfires in the US, Landslides in India: "No nation, rich or poor, vulnerable or secure — none of us is safe," @climatemorgan of @Greenpeace warned at #MSC2020. #ClimateSecurity https://t.co/IqnvC1F9iR »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/MunSecConf/status/1417830449670414339