Greytail · @greytail
31 followers · 51 posts · Server


Yes, "monthly temperature anomalies measure from 1880 to July 2023 measured with respect to the baseline period 1951-1980" have increased.

What that means is a matter of interpretation as to causes and consequences of observed trends and their proximate and ultimate causative factors.

Climate is a nonlinear complex adaptive system that is not amenable to simplistic interpretations and explanations.

#climate #climatevariability #naturalclimatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

Greytail · @greytail
30 followers · 43 posts · Server

Climate change/Crisis/Chaos is not a 'thing," it is a deeply held belief made up by human beings for human reasons and to satisfy human desires.

Climate crisis hyperbole is used as an excuse for whatever economic/political ends one desires.

That doesn't mean that climate does not change, or that global average surface temperature does not fluctuate in cycles. It just cannot be stopped by human effort.

#climatechange #climatevariability #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago · @physorg_bot
496 followers · 14544 posts · Server
Michael A.Lewis · @malanlewis
2 followers · 14 posts · Server

Climate Change, in 499 characters:

1) Humans do not cause climate change; humans influence natural climate variability

2) There is no solution to climate change, there is only a reduction of human impacts on natural climate variability

3) Human influence on climate variability is a function of consumption and population growth. Reducing human influences on natural climate variability will require a significant reduction in both population and consumption.

#climatevariability #ClimateChange

Last updated 1 year ago

Copernicus EU · @CopernicusEU
1857 followers · 8358 posts · Server

RT @CopernicusECMWF: Do you want to know how data on supports the plan? 

🌬️📊C3S provides free climate reanalysis data to the renewable energy sector, for a comprehensive understanding of wind variability. 

Read more ☞


#C3S #climatevariability #REPowerEU #EUGreenDeal

Last updated 1 year ago

MAlanLewis · @malanlewis
30 followers · 174 posts · Server


I've studied climate science since 1992 during my PhD research in Alaska and Siberia. I've published professionally on climate correlates of human population movements from Siberia to Greenland. I've published results of my dendrochronological and dendroclimatological research.

"Climate" is a complex adaptive system in which each component can act in independent, capricious and unexpected (or unimagined), fundamentally unpredictable ways. Climate dynamics are not linear, meaning one cannot predict the outcome of any action with any significant degree of certainty.

The fact that proxy ice core records indicate that the effective 200 year running average of CO2 concentrations in air bubbles trapped in ice core samples are measured at 280 ppm says nothing about the processes that resulted in the ice bubbles, nor the complex processes that result in observed global average surface temperature instrumental records.

Unfortunately, popularized science articles in the mainstream press are written by those who do not understand complexity, nor do government staff, politicians and the general public. So it's no wonder that the popular impression of "climate" is that CO2 is a thermostat that regulates global climate.

And that is pure misinformation unsupported by any evidence.

#ClimateChange #climatevariability #complexity #complexsystems #atmosphericdynamics #oceandynamics #solarvariability #milankovitchcycles

Last updated 1 year ago

MALewis · @malewis
4 followers · 26 posts · Server

@breadandcircuses Of course, and go beyond what is happening now and who is responsible. Since we don't understand the extent of human influences on natural climate variability, it's hard to figure out who should be paying the bill for anthropogenic climate change. Since everyone is involved in emissions, everyone has a bite of the responsibility. But what is involved in and repair and will that affect natural climate variability?

#climatevariability #climatechange #ghg #mitigation

Last updated 2 years ago

Greytail · @Greytail
25 followers · 58 posts · Server

In the future I will any of my posts on , so as to not offend those who believe in as an to human civilization.

#cw #climatevariability #climatechange #existentialthreat

Last updated 2 years ago

Greytail · @Greytail
20 followers · 30 posts · Server

@petergleick Climate variability is not a simple linear process. The climate/atmosphere/ocean continuum is chaotic, non-linear and unpredictable, both locally and long-term. Simplistic causality statements are at best misguided and inaccurate, leaving out the most important variables of climate dynamics.

I find it best to approach science with humility, curiosity and wonder.

#climate #climatevariability #science #humility

Last updated 2 years ago

Greytail · @Greytail
20 followers · 30 posts · Server

@petergleick I studied each and every publication since 1992, My 1995 dissertation included the effects of on prehistoric population movements in trans-Baikal Siberia.
In the most recent AR6 you will find statements such as (p. 108) there is “low confidence that human influence has affected trends in meteorological droughts in most regions.” And (p. 1885) there is “no trend in the frequency of USA landfall” hurricanes.

#ipcc #climatevariability

Last updated 2 years ago

RashaKamel · @RashaKamel
105 followers · 342 posts · Server

"This study has examined the state changes of nutrients (N, P, and Si) from one of the top ten largest world river system, Changjiang, based on field expeditions and time-series data since early 1980s. The study covers an area of ca. 80% of the whole drainage basin (i.e. 1.8×106 km2) and 70% of water course, including main stream and 15 major tributaries".

#climatevariability #nutrients

Last updated 2 years ago · @physorg_bot
289 followers · 8475 posts · Server
UH Geography & Environment · @geo_uhm
87 followers · 5 posts · Server

University of Department of and affiliate faculty Dr. Abby Gail Frazier (alum) and colleagues have a new article, "Impact of historical climate variability on rice production in Mainland Southeast Asia across multiple scales," published in , @geography

#hawaii #geography #environment #anthropocene #climate #climatevariability #southeastasia #agriculture #rice #riceproduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Greytail · @hayduke
45 followers · 121 posts · Server
Greytail · @hayduke
26 followers · 86 posts · Server