Today, @actonclimateUS launched its #ClimateWinsHere map, detailing investments in communities nationwide from @POTUS' Inflation Reduction Act & Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act.
➡️Learn how the #IRA & #IIJA are already at work in your community:
Learn about benchmarking your facilities’ energy use to shape your congregation’s energy plan. This is the first step in utilizing federal funding for energy + resiliency improvements. Join us Feb. 21st to learn more.
#faiths4cliamte #climatewinshere
Energy efficiency "sets an example of environmental stewardship and creation care for others in your community." -Daniel Bresette, @eesionline
#faiths4climate #coolcongregations #climatewinshere
Energy efficiency "sets an example of environmental stewardship and creation care for others in your community." -Daniel Bresette, @eesionline
#faiths4climate #coolcongregations #climatewinshere