"The software is designed to build a record of care that can be translated into billing codes, and this sometimes diverges from the reali- ties of clinical care.29 Several of our respondents voiced the concern that there could be unintended consequences or biased analyses if precision medicine researchers fail to adequately recognize
that much of #EHR data is #BillingData, not #ClinicalData"
Can we bold that, please?
#ehr #BillingData #clinicaldata
Heute haben wir all unsere Tweets gelöscht und den Account drüben endgültig in einen bloßen Platzhalter zur Namensreservierung verwandelt. Jetzt lösche ich manuell unsere Likes. Bis etwa 2016 war das eine tolle Plattform.
Fond memories, @bengoldacre! 🤗
#clinicaldata #transparency #screenonly
Heute haben wir all unsere Tweets gelöscht und den Account drüben endgültig in einen bloßen Platzhalter zur Namensreservierung verwandelt. Jetzt lösche ich manuell unsere Likes. Bis etwa 2016 war das eine tolle Plattform.
Fond memories, @bengoldacre! 🤗
#clinicalData #transparency #screenonly
#clinicaldata #transparency #screenonly
In this article, Vince Kuraitis and Ian McNicoll analyse the study from JAMIA over interoperability across different EHR vendors.
A must read to understand the problems being addressed by using clinical data standardization with openEHR. Data should be written once and live forever, and not be lost when exchanged (speaking in the dumbest language) or locked by another system (provider).
Article: https://e-caremanagement.com/jamia-study-reports-22-68-interoperability-across-ehr-platforms-7-implications/
Study: https://academic.oup.com/jamia/article/29/5/753/6500181?login=false
#openehr #intraoperability #clinicaldata
#openehr #intraoperability #clinicaldata