#Oncomastodon @JAMASurgery #Clinicalinvestigation Axillary staging based on targeted axillary dissection (TAD) without axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) after neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NST) in patients with node-positive #breastcancer cancer was associated with excellent clinical outcomes in selected patients, mainly those with good response to NST and at least 3 TAD lymph nodes.
#Oncomastodon #clinicalinvestigation #breastcancer
#Cardiomastodon #ICU in this #Clinicalinvestigation Elevated hs-cTnT in patients seeking care for chest pain in absence of #MyocardialInfarction showing that high hs-cTnT values can mirror myocardial injury in other types of myocardial injuries than MI
π https://bmcemergmed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12873-023-00787-w#Fig2
π https://bmcemergmed.biomedcentral.com/articles
#cardiomastodon #ICU #clinicalinvestigation #myocardialinfarction
#IDMastodon #Clinicalinvestigation #PedsICU There is now consistent evidence across multiple different settings & locations that the severity of #SARSCoV2 infection increases substantially with age & the risk of reinfection following #COVID19 in children
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #PedsICU #SarsCoV2 #COVID19
#IDMastodon @jamanetworkopen this #Clinicalinvestigation of 80β―699 patients early #dexamethasone use is associated with improved mortality or discharge to hospice among patients requiring supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation and/or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #dexamethasone
@jama_current #Clinicalinvestigation Association of Treatment With Nirmatrelvir and the Risk of #postCOVID19 Condition
#clinicalinvestigation #postCOVID19
#IDMastodon #Clinicalinvestigation @thelancet Individual doses of dual-dose #COVID19vaccine- regimens are sequentially administered into the deltoid muscle, but little attention has so far been paid to the immunological effects of choosing the ipsilateral or the contralateral side for the second dose.
π https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4380042
π https://www.thelancet.com/action/doSearch?text1=Covid19&field1=AllField
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #covid19vaccine
#IDMastodon #Clinicalinvestigation @bmj_latest @zalaly
The findings of this emulation of a randomized target trial suggest that #molnupiravir might have reduced hospital admission or death at 30 days in adults with #SarsCoV2 infection in the community during the recent #omicron predominant era who were at high risk of progression to severe #COVID19 and eligible for treatments
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #molnupiravir #SarsCoV2 #omicron #COVID19
#iDMastodon #Clinicalinvestigation Single people are more likely to die from #COVID19 whether this higher death rate could be partly explained by differences in compliance with protective health measures against #COVID19 between single and married people, and the drivers of this marital compliance gap. Photo @gavi
π https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167487022000587?via%3Dihub
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #COVID19
#IDMastodon @Nature #Clinicalinvestigation characterization of viral dynamics across tissues in fatal #COVID19 reveals compartmentalized infection .Mind Thatβs Viralload .#SARSCoV2 #Viralload can be deadly β¦
π https://www.nature.com/ncomms/editorshighlights
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #viralload
#IDMastodon @medrxivpreprint
#Clinicalinvestigation current study suggest that #pneumococcal carriers may have an increased risk of #SarsCoV2 infection and high pneumococcal abundances .16S abundances may be associated with elevated #viralloads and delayed clearance of #SarsCoV2 infection.
π https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.02.20.23286191v1
π https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.02.20.23286191v1.full.pdf
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #pneumococcal #SarsCoV2 #viralloads
#IDMastodon #ClinicalInvestigation @jama_current
These findings suggest that, despite virus evolution and improved management strategies, patients with the #SARSCoV2 Omicron variant had a higher risk of in-hospital mortality than those with influenza.
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon @jama_current InThis #ClinicalInvestigation with 825 patients (75.4% of #COVID19 survivors experienced cardiopulmonary problems at 6 mth ) symptoms, disabilities, financial problems remain highly prevalent with some new problems in mths from post covid (#LongCovid )
#IDMastodon #clinicalinvestigation #COVID19 #LongCovid
RT @CastlTrAstonDrs
#CardioTwitter #Clinicalinvestigation These findings suggest that rivaroxaban-5 mg 2X daily may be a reasonable alternative to enoxaparin in the acute phase of ACS. @SABOURETCardio @DocSavageTJU @VietHeartPA @mirvatalasnag via @JAMA_current @gbiondizoccai
#cardiotwitter #clinicalinvestigation
#IDMastodon #mastadongs #Clinicalinvestigation Immune Response to #COVID19 mRNA Vaccination in Previous Nonresponder Kidney Transplant Recipients After Short-term Withdrawal of Mycophenolic Acid 1 & 3 Months After an Additional Vaccine Dose
#IDMastodon #mastadongs #clinicalinvestigation #COVID19
#ClinicalInvestigation Post-COVID 19 Neurological Syndrome (PCNS); a novel syndrome with challenges for the global neurology community
π https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/chemogenetics-a-new-way-to-understand-brain-function
π https://www.jns-journal.com/article/S0022-510X(20)30515-3/fulltext
#IDMastodon #drugdevelopment #Clinicalinvestigation Identified a series of glycopeptide antibiotics teicoplanin derivatives that bind to #SARSCoV2 spike (S) protein, interrupt its interaction with ACE2 receptor and selectively inhibit viral entry mediated by S protein
π https://www.sciencedirect.com/search?qs=Covid19&pub=Biomedicine%20%26%20Pharmacotherapy&cid=271928
#IDMastodon #DrugDevelopment #clinicalinvestigation #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #DrugDevelopment #Clinicalinvestigation identified a series of glycopeptide antibiotics teicoplanin derivatives that bind to #SARSCoV2 spike (S) protein, interrupt its interaction with ACE2 receptor and selectively inhibit viral entry mediated by S protein https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S075333222300001X?dgcid=raven_sd_aip_email
#IDMastodon #DrugDevelopment #clinicalinvestigation #SarsCoV2
#Clinicalinvestigation #Neurology #clinicaltrial death to experimental Alzheimerβs drug .Amid lobbying for lecanemabβs approval, a newly revealed death adds to doubts about safety of antiamyloid antibody @aaas
#clinicalinvestigation #Neurology #clinicaltrial
#Psychiatry #Clinicalinvestigation 2236β―876 men with benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenic alopecia in this study suggest that 5Ξ±-reductase inhibitors ( 5-ARIs )might be associated with depression; in contrast, the decreasing trend in the magnitude of the associations between 5-ARIs and dementia seem to be due to increased detection of undiagnosed dementia, particularly at the early stage of 5-ARI treatment. @JAMA_current https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2799858?utm_source=silverchair&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=article_alert-jamanetworkopen&utm_content=wklyforyou&utm_term=122222
#psychiatry #clinicalinvestigation
#Oncology #Clinicalinvestigation Polymerase theta is a key effector of DSB repair by microhomology-mediated end-joining & is overexpressed in many cancers. POLQ inhibitors confer synthetic lethality in HR & Shieldin-deficient cancer cells, an unappreciated role for POLQ in responding to DNA replication stress, Phase I #clinicaltrial on the effects of blocking this enzyme in cancer patients. @TheCrick @CellGenomics
π https://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/fulltext/S1097-2765(22)01070-X
π https://www.crick.ac.uk/news/2022-11-30_scientists-uncover-novel-dna-repair-mechanism-for-key-cancer-target
#oncology #clinicalinvestigation #clinicaltrial