#IDMastodon #Viralimmunology #Clinicalreport Prevalence of Generalized myalgia, headache, low back pain .Musculoskeletal and Neurological Pain Symptoms Among from Severe #COVID19 ,#LongCovid & #NeuroCovid @MedicineLWW
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #clinicalreport #COVID19 #LongCovid #neurocovid
#IDMastodon @MedicineLWW #Neurocovid #Longcovid in this #Clinicalreport adds to the literature on inflammatory neuropathies associated with #COVID19 & LRPN. Physicians should be aware that #SARSCoV2 infection can trigger Lumbosacral Radiculoplexus Neuropathy after #COVID19
π https://journals.lww.com/theneurologist/Fulltext/9900/Lumbosacral_Radiculoplexus_Neuropathy_After.52.aspx
π https://journals.lww.com/theneurologist/Pages/currenttoc.aspx
#IDMastodon #neurocovid #LongCovid #clinicalreport #COVID19 #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #neurocovid #ClinicalReport #LongCovid Fatal case report of #ischemicstroke and #PulmonaryEmbolism post COVID-19 infection
π https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/radiology-case-reports/vol/18/issue/5
#IDMastodon #neurocovid #clinicalreport #LongCovid #ischemicstroke #PulmonaryEmbolism
#IDMastodon @ScienceTM #ClinicalReport CoronaVac and Elderly #immunity . Defective age-associated #SarsCoV2 #antibody response after a CoronaVac homologous, but not a heterologous, vaccination-booster regimen
π https://www.science.org/toc/stm/15/683
#IDMastodon #clinicalreport #immunity #SarsCoV2 #antibody
#IDMastodon #cardiomastadon #LongCovid @thelancet in this #ClinicalReport found increased LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and decreased HDL cholesterol in survivors of #COVID19 compared with controls who had never had a positive COVID test.
#IDMastodon #cardiomastadon #LongCovid #clinicalreport #COVID19
#IDMastodon @JAMA : Understanding #LongCovid through a human-Centred lens .HHS Releases New #ClinicalReport on #LongCovid Experiences and between 5% - 30% of people who had #COVID19 may developed LC conditions, and about 1 mil individuals arenβt in the workforce βat any given timeβ because of related symptomsβ¦
π https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/healthplus-long-covid-report.pdf
π https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2799926?widget=personalizedcontent&previousarticle=2799915
π https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2799926?widget=personalizedcontent&previousarticle=2799915
π https://www.covid.gov/assets/files/National-Research-Action-Plan-on-Long-COVID-08012022.pdf
#IDMastodon #LongCovid #clinicalreport #COVID19
@cellpress #Immunotherapy #ClinicalReport Immune checkpoint blockade response in metastatic TNBC patients is associated with systemic eosinophil expansion
#Immunotherapy #clinicalreport
#IDMastodon #PedsICU In this #Clinicalreport #monoclonalantibody administration to adolescents and young adults for the prevention/treatment of #COVID19 is generally safe and may be effective to decrease the progression of #COVID19 @MedicineLWW
π https://journals.lww.com/pidj/Pages/currenttoc.aspx
#IDMastodon #PedsICU #clinicalreport #monoclonalantibody #COVID19
The reported prevalence of ophthalmic manifestations ranges from 1β32%, and these manifestations include both anterior segment and retinal findings The #ClinicalReport retinal manifestations include retinal hemorrhage and cotton wool spots. Less commonly, retinal artery and venous occlusion may impact visual acuity .Recently, retinopathy in a cohort of severe #COVID19 inpatients was associated with the laboratory marker coagulopathy and inflammation
#IDMastodon #ClinicalReport #CaseReports Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Following #COVID19 & #LongCovid . Children and adolescents with severe acute #SarsCoV2 infection experience mild #COVID19 with usually a low mortality rate. Cervical lymphadenopathy can be a clinical sign in these patients due to viral infection-induced reactive paracortical lymphoid hyperplasia.
πhttps://www.cureus.com/articles/79959-kikuchi-fujimoto-disease-following-covid-19 @cureus
#IDMastodon #clinicalreport #CaseReports #COVID19 #LongCovid #SarsCoV2