We all agree Lorark (Loretta and Johnny Bark) is the cutest ship from Arrested Development. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #Loretta #BeckyThyre #JohnnyBark #ClintHoward
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #loretta #beckythyre #johnnybark #clinthoward
On April 20, 1979, Rock 'n' Roll High School debuted in Austin, Texas. Here's some fan art inspired by the cult classic!
#RockNRollHighSchool #PJSoles #MaryWoronov #ClintHoward #TheRamones #Punk #PunkRock #ExploitationFilm #CultMovies #MonsterVision #TCMUnderground #MidnightMovies #FanArt #Art
#rocknrollhighschool #pjsoles #maryworonov #clinthoward #theramones #punk #punkrock #exploitationfilm #cultmovies #monstervision #tcmunderground #midnightmovies #FanArt #art
44 years ago:
Rock 'n' Roll High School (US)
A group of rock-music-loving students, with the help of the Ramones, take over their school to combat its newly installed oppressive administration.
#RocknRollHighSchool #AllanArkush #PJSoles #VincentVanPatten #ClintHoward #Movies
#rocknrollhighschool #allanarkush #pjsoles #vincentvanpatten #clinthoward #movies
I haven't seen any New Trek. Do we get to see Balok 60 years later?
#startrek #clinthoward #corbomitemaneuver
41 years ago today:
Lou Grant
S5E15: Recovery
Airdate: 1982-03-08
#LouGrant #ClintHoward #PatMorita #CBS #tvseries
#lougrant #clinthoward #patmorita #cbs #tvseries
Just gonna drop a link to the #TotalRecall2070 cast list for some of the guests, to close that tab.
Including #DavidWarner, #MartinSheen, #KimCoates, #TitusWelliver, #HenryGibson, #ClintHoward; with #MatthewBennett of #BSG fame as a regular. Add #ThomasKretschmann, #AnthonyZerbe, #VanessaWilliams & #NigelBennett for some spotted.
Actor spotting fun. Also, if you're inclined to #shipping, the series provides m/m & f/f potential at very minimum. 😅
#TotalRecall2070 #davidwarner #martinsheen #kimcoates #tituswelliver #henrygibson #clinthoward #matthewbennett #bsg #thomaskretschmann #anthonyzerbe #vanessawilliams #nigelbennett #shipping #scifi #90sscifi
43 years ago today:
Happy Days
S7E22: Father & Son
Richie goes to a Leopard Lodge convention with Howard in Chicago despite wanting to go to a Bears game with Potsie and Ralph.
Airdate: 1980-03-04
#HappyDays #ClintHoward #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#happydays #clinthoward #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
52 years ago today:
S16E20: Murdoch
A former lawman tries to go after a gang of outlaws and gets a shock of his own.
Airdate: 1971-02-08
#Gunsmoke #ClintHoward #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#gunsmoke #clinthoward #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
61 years ago today:
The Andy Griffith Show
S2E17: The Jinx
After a series of mishaps, Barney declares that Mayberry resident Henry Bennett is a "jinx." Andy sets out to prove him wrong -- but begins to believe it himself after the troubles continue.
Airdate: 1962-01-29
#TheAndyGriffithShow #ClintHoward #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#theandygriffithshow #clinthoward #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
61 years ago today:
The Andy Griffith Show
S2E17: The Jinx
After a series of mishaps, Barney declares that Mayberry resident Henry Bennett is a "jinx." Andy sets out to prove him wrong -- but begins to believe it himself after the troubles continue.
Airdate: 1962-01-29
#TheAndyGriffithShow #ClintHoward #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#theandygriffithshow #clinthoward #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT 4: Initiation REVIEW | Season's Greetings of the Witch
#DoctorWolfula #SilentNightDeadlyNight #SilentNightDeadlyNightIVInitiation #Horrormovies #HorrorMovie #80sHorror #ChristmasHorror #XmasHorror #ClintHoward #BrianYuzna #ReggieBannister
#reggiebannister #brianyuzna #clinthoward #xmashorror #christmashorror #80sHorror #horrormovie #horrormovies #silentnightdeadlynightivinitiation #silentnightdeadlynight #doctorwolfula
The sequel to the Clint Howard classic, ICE CREAM MAN (1995), according to the unsuccessful 2014 Kickstarter campaign, would have been titled "Ice Cream Man 2: Sundae Bloody Sundae".
The original can be streamed on Tubi, Plex, Pluto TV, AMC+, Shudder.
#clinthoward #icecreamman #Cosomovies