⚫ Former 🇺🇸 ambassador to the #UN Bill #Richardson has died aged 75, his foundation has announced
Serving under President Bill #Clinton, he won admiration for his commitment to securing the release of 🇺🇸 citizens detained around the 🌍
✒ Malu Cursino
@PurpleSky There are so many reasons HRC lost but I believe the use of Hillary versus Clinton did a huge disservice and cost a fair number of #votes.. It was disrespectful, and took away the power of #Clinton. At the same time T's name was used incessantly; many more times over than HRC's. #voteblue
Oslo 30. L’illusione della pace https://altreconomia.it/oslo30/ #territorioccupati #negoziatisegreti #accordidiOslo #Cisgiordania #YasserArafat #YitzhakRabin #accordioslo #billclinton #gerusalemme #palestinesi #ShimonPeres #washington #conflitto #netanyahu #Oslofiles #palestina #intifada #Norvegia #scandalo #UriSavir #Podcast #clinton #israele #AbuAla #oslo30 #selini #tunisi #hamas #Likud #rabin #gaza #pace #Olp
#territorioccupati #negoziatisegreti #accordidioslo #cisgiordania #yasserarafat #YitzhakRabin #accordioslo #billclinton #gerusalemme #palestinesi #ShimonPeres #Washington #conflitto #netanyahu #oslofiles #palestina #intifada #norvegia #scandalo #urisavir #podcast #clinton #israele #abuala #oslo30 #selini #Tunisi #hamas #likud #rabin #Gaza #PACE #olp
#Obama, #Clinton and #Biden hid behind #pseudonyms in emails while coordinating "secret dealings"
#obama #clinton #Biden #pseudonyms
Kotaku: Black Desert Devs' Next Game Looks Dope, Features Horse Drift https://kotaku.com/crimson-desert-pearl-abyss-horse-drift-black-desert-onl-1850763397 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #videogamepublishers #blackdesertonline #blackmythwukong #assassinscreed #crimsondesert #windowsgames #blackdesert #devilmaycry #pearlabyss #gamescom #clinton #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #videogamepublishers #blackdesertonline #blackmythwukong #assassinscreed #crimsondesert #windowsgames #blackdesert #devilmaycry #pearlabyss #gamescom #clinton #rpg
You can sell at the #Manhattan Plaza Block Festival! $35 - half space (5x10'), $60 - full space (10x10'), cheaper for residents of the Plaza. Sat Sep 9th 10a-5p, deadline to register is Aug 30, at MPTABFC@gmail.com. See you there - last time I nabbed some treasures, a beaded purse & two wooden posable figurines.
#street #festival #block #sale #midtown #manhattan #NewYorkCity #NYC #hells #kitchen #they #call it #but it's #really #Clinton #district #ask the #Times #real #estate #section #LOL
#manhattan #street #festival #block #sale #midtown #newyorkcity #nyc #hells #kitchen #they #call #but #really #clinton #district #ask #times #real #estate #section #lol
Why did the #US #Imperium go after Julian #Assange? What did he do?
As Chris #Hedges writes on #Substack in a sermon he gave on August 20 in Oslo entitied “The Crucifixion of Julian Assange”: they came after him because he told the truth - again and again!
[Full disclosure: I’m an atheist but I am also a great admirer of Hedges’ writings & his passionate opposition to the criminal, warmongering ruling classes!]
“They came after Julian because he exposed the more than 15,000 unreported deaths of #Iraqi civilians;
because he exposed the torture and abuse of some 800 men and boys, aged between 14 and 89, at #Guantánamo;
because he exposed that Hillary #Clinton in 2009 ordered U.S. diplomats to spy on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and other U.N. representatives from China, France, Russia, and the U.K., spying that included obtaining DNA, iris scans, fingerprints, and personal passwords (part of the long pattern of illegal surveillance that included the eavesdropping on U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in the weeks before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003);
because he exposed that Barack #Obama, Hillary Clinton and the #CIA backed the June 2009 military coup in #Honduras that overthrew the democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya, replacing him with a murderous and corrupt military regime;
because he exposed that George W. #Bush, Barack Obama and General David #Petraeus prosecuted a war in Iraq that under post-Nuremberg laws is defined as a criminal war of aggression, a war crime;
that they authorized hundreds of targeted assassinations, including those of U.S. citizens in #Yemen, and that they secretly launched missile, bomb, and drone attacks on Yemen, killing scores of civilians;
because Julian exposed the contents of the speeches Hillary Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs for which she was paid $675,000, a sum so large it can only be considered a bribe, and that she privately assured corporate leaders she would do their bidding while promising the public financial regulation and reform;
because he exposed how the hacking tools used by the CIA and the National Security Agency [#NSA] permit the wholesale government surveillance of our televisions, computers, smart phones and anti-virus software, allowing the government to record and store our conversations, images and private text messages, even from encrypted apps.
Julian exposed the truth. He exposed it over and over and over until there was no question of the endemic illegality, corruption and mendacity that defines the global ruling class And for these truths they came after Julian, as they have come after all who dared rip back the veil on power.”
#us #imperium #assange #hedges #substack #iraqi #guantanamo #clinton #obama #cia #Honduras #bush #petraeus #yemen #nsa
ICYMI On August 2, longtime ticket-seller Jim Stockholm retired after 45 years! Jim worked at #Coupeville before moving to the #Clinton dock. Congratulations, Jim! https://t.co/8KPrKKOShd
Starting tonight 8/14, vehicle holding lanes at #Clinton terminal will be repaved. Minor delays possible if travelling through in a vehicle between 6p & 4a nightly as work requires closure of several lanes at a time. Paving scheduled to wrap up Friday morning 8/18. https://t.co/QC6qvF1Ckq
@TruthSandwich @unicorndeburgh It’s not so much that I am a democrat as it is that I’m being held hostage by the two party system. In essence the #Clinton/#Biden #Democratic Party machine walked into holding a bomb labeled Donald J #Trump and said “Hand over all your political priorities or we’ll set this thing off and blow the whole country to smithereens!”
The fancy political science term is “captured constituency.” It is why having people like Bernie Sanders in the primaries is important.
In terms of real human suffering #Biden has destroyed far more lives and is far more personally responsible for the fucked up state of the world.
The Crime Bill and Iraq War alone have destroyed untold millions of lives.
There's other shit too that everyone forgets. Like how he was personally instrumental in getting Clarence Thomas on the supreme court in an act of sex pest solidarity.
And dont look into his immigration policy "achievements" him and #Clinton were advocating a border Wall in mid aughts.
Basically every evil thing the US government has done in the last 50 years Biden has personally had a hand in. Thats why it was "his turn" in 2020.
Congratulations to longtime ticket-seller Jim Stockholm on his retirement after 45 years! Jim worked at #Coupeville before moving to the #Clinton dock. His last day of work was on August 2 https://t.co/WXMgpp0tdO
Vehicle holding lanes at #Clinton terminal will be repaved starting Monday 8/14. Minor delays possible if travelling through in a vehicle between 6p & 4a as work requires closure of several lanes at a time. Paving scheduled to wrap up Friday morning 8/18. https://t.co/BWV4ddhHbi
even relatively well informed lefty people dont even kniw about all that #Yeltsin shit -- they literally shelled parliament as #Clinton cheered -- #Putin himself has obscured this as well: that HE IS the benefactor of a CIA backed "color revolution" is one of histories great ironies.
@techprophet #FDR created a #framework to rein in the worst aspects of #capitalism. Beginning with #reagan that framework was dismantled. An important leg, Glass-Steagall, which #regulated #banks was partially #repealed under #clinton. Within a decade, the #greatrecession hit. This was not a #coincidence. Every #economic system requires some degree of #regulation to operate optimally. #doddfrank was a step in the right direction, but IMO somewhat more is required.
#fdr #framework #capitalism #reagan #regulated #banks #repealed #clinton #greatrecession #coincidence #economic #regulation #doddfrank
Not biased
#laugh #deplorables #Clinton # gop #trump
#laugh #deplorables #clinton #trump