Ich bin dafür, dass diese Leute ihre Kommunikation mit ihrer Bank per #Clipperchip oder #RC4 „schützen“. #CryptoWarsPartN
Ansonsten #Buchtipp, der alte Klassiker:
„Disappearing Cryptography“
#cryptowarspartn #clipperchip #rc4 #buchtipp
#USA #Encryption #Cybersecurity #ClipperChip #CivilLiberties: "The Clipper emerged at a time when technological advancements were forcing the government to confront unsettling new realities. At the time, the internet was starting to take off and cryptosystems were evolving with it.
From the ciphers of ancient Rome to the code makers and breakers of WWII, encryption—the process of scrambling readable language into unintelligible signs and symbols—had almost always been the purview of governments, useful as it was for the concealment of sensitive state secrets. In the modern era, electronic encryption—which leveraged increasingly sophisticated machines to help create powerful encryption ciphers—was exclusively leveraged by secretive government agencies, like the NSA.
But by the 1990s, the government’s monopoly on this kind of information security had begun to slip."
#usa #Encryption #cybersecurity #clipperchip #civilliberties