Art Direction By Nando costa
Created by Six&Five
🥥 Do you have any clout in Redmond, Maeve?
Can you pleez ask them to port #MicrosoftBob and #Clippy to #Ubuntu?
Thanx. 🥥
I just learned that my SO never heard of #clippy before, and now I wish to be so lucky.
@skipperapp @soltes I've found out that if I set <AndroidEnableProfiledAot>false</AndroidEnableProfiledAot> in csproj file it will not crash in native with mono_log in call stack. Not sure if you had this trouble with #Clippy on Android?
Before we get to artificial general intelligence, we have to go through Clippy on fentanyl.
#clippy #fentanyl #ai #generativeai
Okay, which of you nerds still has an Office '97 manual or installation, and might be able to settle the question of the Office Assistant's official given name?
Wikipedians are still insisting it was always officially 'Clippit'.
#wikipedia #microsoft #clippy #someoneiswrongontheinternet
Karl Klammer war nie der Held den wir brauchten,
aber der Held den wir verdienten...
Brings back thankfully brief memories of my own interactions with the week-intentioned Clippy.
I bet our blind/visually impaired users would get a laugh out of that one, too. Would you be willing to edit your post to include alt text? You could say:
"Microsoft's Clippy asks: It looks like you're writing unsubstantiated nonsense. Would you like to turn on ALL CAPS?"
... and now they're trying to manifest AI using Clippy's body. Heaven help us all.
Forget #MicrosoftCopilot – an unofficial #ClippyAI is available for #Windows11
The #Clippy app "was put on Github only a couple of days ago, with the developer FireCube observing that there are still issues with random crashes," notes TechRadar. "So, stability is likely to be somewhat wonky for the time being, we'd imagine."
Think what we could do if Microsoft used #AI bring back #MSBob
#microsoftcopilot #clippyai #windows11 #clippy #ai #msbob
Y de nuevo la molesta presilla 🤣🤣
#Clippy, el asistente de #Microsoft está de vuelta y con novedades.
Según transcendió en las últimas horas en las redes, se lanzó una versión bastante curiosa de la aplicación, la cual incluye una curiosa mejora.
Pincha para conocer cuál 👉👉
#Clippy is back on #Windows, though not from #Microsoft
Sadly, my #OpenAI credits ran out so I can't tell you if it's any good. I asked how to get more, but it told me I'd exceeded my quota.
C'est la vie, c'est le Clippy.
#annoying #is #AI #chatgpt #openai #Microsoft #Windows #clippy
Instagram Sans, the new Meta/Instagram brand font (purportedly to be used in #threads / #p92 / #Barcelona) is an homage to Microsoft #Clippy.
Change my mind.
#threads #P92 #barcelona #clippy