#lisp y #gopher show live in about 3 hours on #aNONradio @SDF https://anonradio.net/
(1) Lispy ai
Mastodon discussion and lots of links to current CommonLisp #ai (thanks everyone) https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape/109978604825517968
- What even is #AI
- #CLML and #MGL
- #NLP ... Thanks @galdor @svetlyak40wt
- #Interlisp Medley + ai projects from xerox ai machines docs (thanks @amoroso )
(2) Chaosnet
really just my chaosnet fiddling and some reading of the #moon http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/pdf/mit/ai/AIM-628_chaosnet.pdf
#gopher #laundromat ???
#lisp #gopher #anonradio #ai #clml #mgl #nlp #interlisp #moon #laundromat
@mnl acronyms: #CLML is a now-forked big Japanese company's machine learning common lisp package. https://github.com/mmaul/clml
#MGL is a Franz lisp GPU-accelerated machine learning toolkit that won a Google competition for such. https://github.com/melisgl/mgl
#DL is a subset of #ML that uses at least something like a two layer hidden markov model with nonlinear activation functions.
Princomp = Principle component analysis is basically just an SVD. Er..
A GPU is hw good for bitmappable tasks.
AI is... er...
@james just remembered, I want to talk about putting the #ai back in #ai programming. I want to get away from writing what feels like web utilities for unix and back to ai, both me personally and the lisp ecosystem as such.
My recent step was a phost/peertube video about #CLML princomp. And I guess I'll evolve a modern AI system out of that. There's also Northwestern's case based reasoning. #MGL GPU DL?
@scm @svetlyak40wt @galdor @left_adjoint @amoroso @mhcat @ldbeth ideas? @mnl
@galdor for example machine learning #CLML MUST have at least --dynamic-space-size 2560
https://github.com/mmaul/clml #CommonLisp #sbcl
#gopher #code #ML #AI #CommonLisp #CLML #example #princomp
Principle component analysis is so easy in common lisp!
For the gopher:
For the gopher impaired:
gopher.club/1/users/screwtape generally
#gopher #code #ml #ai #commonlisp #clml #example #princomp
#machineLearning #CLML #ai #CommonLisp
A #princomp (eigendecomposition of covariance matrix) + #ascii #gnuplot #biplot #example
Done on an oval, it successfully finds and identifies the relative importance of the major and minor ellipse axes.
@pizzapal corrections plz
#machinelearning #clml #ai #commonlisp #princomp #ascii #gnuplot #biplot #example
@lispegistus I get what you mean, like how usocket has some examples around, but they don't... reflect current usocket ;p on your compiler ;p
#clml has good documentation, and I don't even know japanese!
I need to phlog/peertube/toot
look what running princomp does [in #CommonLisp #CLML with a dumb terminal #gnuplot ]
but I have to do infrastructural things for it and then it implies doing followups like eigenface which will be lots of work and make me sound sophomoric
and I have a million urgent things to do
#procrastinating #commonlisp #clml #gnuplot