At Noon Central Time today: session 71 in Worlds of Speculative Fiction. We start with a video premiere & live chat discussing C.L. Moore's Jirel of Joiry stories, and then meet to continue the conversation in Zoom!
#CLMoore #Jirel #Fantasy #SwordsAndSorcery #OnlineEvent
#OnlineEvent #swordsandsorcery #fantasy #jirel #clmoore
Latest read, Daemon (1946) from The Best of C.L. Moore; a simple-minded man, who can see souls, is forced into servitude on a cruel Captain's ship. The Captain cannot bear the man's gaze or his pity & strands him on a desert isle.
Creative, engaging.
212 of #400FantasyStories
#Books #Fantasy #ShortStory #CLMoore
#400fantasystories #books #fantasy #shortstory #clmoore
Today is C. L. Moore's Birthday
Catherine Lucille Moore (January 24, 1911 – April 4, 1987) was an American science fiction and fantasy writer, who first came to prominence in the 1930s writing as C. L. Moore. Her most famous story is "Shambleau", which was also Moore's first professional sale.
I have a copy of "Shambleau and Others" an anthology of C. L. Moore's stories in my private collection on sale now here:
Any weird fiction fans here? I'm talking about the real stuff, from Weird Tales of the 1920s/30s.
I got into the genre in the usual way, through Lovecraft. And in the usual way I started exploring work of various writers in his circle, and the work of writers whom Lovecraft admired.
Hashtags for some of the weird fiction writers I like:
#hplovecraft #ClarkAshtonSmith #CLMoore #LeighBrackett #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #LordDunsany #RobertEHoward #weirdfiction #WeirdTales #SeaburyQuinn
#hplovecraft #clarkashtonsmith #clmoore #leighbrackett #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #LordDunsany #robertehoward #weirdfiction #weirdtales #seaburyquinn
My 2022 SF/fantasy reading highlights:
Poul Anderson's Swordsmen from the Stars
C.L. Moore's Judgment Night
Gardner Francis Fox's (Simon Majors) The Druid Stone
Edmond Hamilton's The Avenger from Atlantis
#scifi #sciencefiction #fantasy #swordandplanet #GardnerFrancisFox #swordandsorcery #CLMoore #CatherineLMoore #PoulAnderson #EdmondHamilton #atlantis
#scifi #sciencefiction #fantasy #swordandplanet #gardnerfrancisfox #swordandsorcery #clmoore #catherinelmoore #PoulAnderson #edmondhamilton #atlantis
Still waiting for a radio adaptation of the Northwest Smith short stories by C. L. Moore. Why?
Because Northwest Smith, no more reason.
Working my way through a collection of C.L. Moore’s Jiriel. It is honestly a same women’s voices don’t get accorded their proper value in the history of Swords & Sorcery.
Because these stories are great.
#CLMoore #Swords_and_Sorcery #fantasy #fantasybooks #JirielOfJory #readingnow #books #Bookwyrm
#Bookwyrm #books #readingnow #jirielofjory #fantasybooks #fantasy #Swords_and_Sorcery #clmoore
Another of my obsessions is sword-and-planet fiction. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Leigh Brackett, Poul Anderson and Catherine L. Moore's Northwest Smith stories being my favourites. Sword-and-planet fiction is basically sword-and-sorcery with science fiction elements in place of magic.
#swordandplanet #swordandplanet stories #swordandplanetfiction #edgarriceburroughs #poulanderson #catherinelmoore #clmoore #leighbrackett #swordandsorcery
#swordandplanet #swordandplanetfiction #edgarriceburroughs #PoulAnderson #catherinelmoore #clmoore #leighbrackett #swordandsorcery