Oh hey look! (Yes, I did take that photo. <3 )
Pull quote: The Community Library Network Alliance, independent of the library network, was officially formed in November 2022 by Emily Christopherson of Post Falls and Angela Drewien of Hayden. It is a grassroots movement effected by those who are passionate and concerned about local library goings-on and who believe a thriving public library system is necessary for a community to be vibrant and well-informed. Part of the group's mission is to ensure the integrity and success of the local libraries through qualified, library-minded and trustworthy library trustees.
#PublicLibraries #libraries #CLNA #Community #DefendLibraries #BannedBooks
#publiclibraries #libraries #clna #community #defendlibraries #bannedbooks
Oh hey! This was us!
#PublicLibraries #Libraries #CLNA #CommunityLibraryNetworkAlliance #Idaho #NorthIdaho #idpol #CommunityLibraries #RightToRead
#publiclibraries #libraries #clna #communitylibrarynetworkalliance #idaho #northidaho #idpol #communitylibraries #righttoread