@maisiesummers @AnneleiseHall they could all be Luxon clones with wigs. National would love a #CloneArmy
Now we know what a real clone army looks like. :P
The death cap mushroom accounts for more than 90% of worldwide mushroom-related deaths. Its ubiquitous spread could be down to a weird genetic cloning trick.
#deathcap #mushrooms #Cloning #Clones #CloneArmy #Biology #Nature #WriterFuel
#writerfuel #nature #biology #clonearmy #clones #cloning #mushrooms #deathcap
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 3/29:
Extract DNA from your own spittle and cheek-scrapings! It's fun and educational*, and you can then use it to create a mindlessly loyal clone army .
Boost and add your own!
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #ScienceProject #CloneArmy
* No, really. See here: https://learning-center.homesciencetools.com/article/how-to-extract-dna-at-home/
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #scienceproject #clonearmy