Cloning from a 512GB SSD to a 1TB SSD with #CloneZilla. Best thing is: CloneZilla adjusts partition size during cloning to accommodate the increase in space. So no redownloading my whole Steam library like a noob. 😆 #SteamDeck sidenote: I got a 2230 NVME drive for sale 512GB, Sabrent. EU zone only.
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-18 (testing;x86)
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-17 (testing;x86)
I love #FOSS tools so much.
The wizardry enabled by tools like #CloneZilla and #Gparted is so helpful to move old installations onto updated hardware.
My same original #arch install just moved to its 4th new drive, nine years running.
#foss #clonezilla #gparted #Arch
How To Clone Your SSD or Hard Drive with clonezilla
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-15 (testing;x86)
#clonezilla #retropc #windows98 Mě se nedávno osvědčil: Macrium Reflect
#clonezilla #retropc #windows98
Poznáte skvelý program #CloneZilla na prácu s diskami? V poslednej dobe som ho opakovane použil nie len u moderného PC (klonovanie starého SSD na nový), ale aj u #retropc, na ktorý som nedávno inštaloval #Windows98. Tento systém nepredbieha povesť veľmi stabilného OS, a môžem potvrdiť, že toto sedí aj dnes, 25 rokov po jeho vydaní. Spomínaná #CloneZilla mi tak zálohou systémovej partície ušetrila kopec nervov, ktoré by inak skončili v kýbli po tom, čo ma komp po nejakej krpe obšťastnil BSOD...
#clonezilla #retropc #windows98
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-12 (testing;x86)
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-10 (testing;x86)
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-9 (testing;x86)
The #CloneZilla and #GParted live distros were really helpful yesterday! Replaced the SSD in my mom's computer and cloned the content to the new one. Deleted the old and unused Windows 7 partition and moved and increased the Ubuntu partition. I was expecting some bootloader trouble, but no, everything was working fine afterwards, Ubuntu booted as if nothing happened and now she has a lot of free space☺️
New Version: #CloneZilla 3.1.1-8 (testing;x86)
Ich liebe #clonezilla #backup #linux
Welche Lösungen nutzt ihr um eure komplette Festplatte zu sichern?
Issues cloning an external install of Ubuntu #externalhdd #nvme #clonezilla #cloning
#externalhdd #nvme #clonezilla #cloning
Je ne pensais pas que ce serait si chiant de cloner un disque mécanique #win10 vers un disque SSD de plus petite taille 😵
J'utilise #CloneZilla sans succès pour le moment...
8 [Holiday] Gifts for People Who Love Leanbiome Reviews! #commandline #applicationdevelopment #evolution #evince #clonezilla
#commandline #applicationdevelopment #evolution #evince #clonezilla
Advice required.
I have used tools such as dd, rsync, cloneezilla for years to migrate data to new disks, machines with IDE and SATA drives just fine.
the more modern nvm devices scare me a bit because the cheap enclosure I have has no thermal protection and I see nvm storage likes to have thermal control.
Can anyone recommend an enclosure which would protect the new storage device whilst it is being migrated to before installing in the PC/laptop?
Thank you fediveres!
#ssd #storage #nvme #rsync #dd #clonezilla
@popey @alan 🥥 For your easy-to-follow #Clonezilla video, many thanks, Alan.
Also it's a real thrill to be able to say that I've corresponded with Alan, Lord Chaol of Ghleann, and Alan who is a Pope on the same day! Where else but on Mastodon?🥥