La #cafetera italiana es un invento muy molón, mucho más interesante que las máquinas que hacen café con cápsulas de aluminio con café deshidratado, tan cutres que tuvieron que recurrir a George #Clooney y una intensa campaña publicitaria para glamurizarlas.
Las cafeteras italianas son glamurosas por si mismas.
Yo no suelo tomar café (ya me excita la vida) pero a veces hago #malta con achicoria, en parte por el gusto de usar una cafetera de estas.
TICKET TO PARADISE was not a rom com as advertised, if anything it was a romantic tragicomedy. It had sad&depressed feelings with romance on the side. It’s good movie that was just advertised totally different than what it actually was. Good acting by Clooney&the rest of the cast. Don’t let the poster fool you. #justinereccomends as long as you know what you’re getting into. Has some humor but not a comedy first.
#tickettoparadise #georgeclooney #juliaroberts #clooney #movienight #movies
#justinereccomends #tickettoparadise #georgeclooney #juliaroberts #clooney #movienight #movies
@SevenBowie This dress is hilarious. Julia Roberts is a hoot for doing this. #KennedyCenter #Clooney #Roberts #Dress
#dress #roberts #clooney #kennedycenter
@GundelPundel Was für ein Paket? Ein Paket in die Zone (bei uns als Ostpaket, dort als Westpaket bezeichnet) etwa? Kaffee, Schokolade, Nylons. Nespresso - what else? (#Clooney)
To appear in the Liberation Pavilion at the National WWII museum my great, great uncle and #monumentsman Sq. Leader Ted Dixon-Spain - one of those #bravecoves #Clooney et al. Made a movie about! This is him as a young man before WWI!
#clooney #bravecoves #monumentsman
Ferragnez, Clooney, Paris Hilton e il lago di Como vip: super turismo sulle sponde fragili - Cosa Fare #ferragnez #clooney #paris #hilton #lago #como #super #turismo #sponde #fragili #8agosto
#8agosto #fragili #sponde #turismo #super #como #lago #hilton #paris #clooney #ferragnez
You can now buy George Clooney's infamous Batman costume - CNN Style #george #clooney's #infamous #batman #costume #style #17luglio
#17luglio #style #costume #batman #Infamous #x27s #clooney #george #x27
George Clooney: la confessione su Elisabetta Canalis | Gossip Blog #george #clooney #confessione #elisabetta #canalis #gossip #blog #8giugno
#8giugno #blog #gossip #canalis #elisabetta #confessione #clooney #george
A volte #QAnon e il #Pizzagate ritornano. #Clooney e #Obama che mangiano ragazze sulla #pizza è solo un'anticchia meno ridicolo di #Obama e #Renzi che rubano voti del #PatriotaQ sull'#UfoRobot volante del primo...
#uforobot #PatriotaQ #renzi #pizza #obama #clooney #pizzagate #qanon
Here is what George Timothy #Clooney does not talk about, maybe doesn't even know about:
#clooney #wissenswert #Morethancoffee
Non mais moi aussi je l'aime bien #Clooney, mais le problème c'est pas les palaces des méchants, le problème c'est les palaces :) #LutteDesClasses
Amal #Clooney wants to prosecute #Syria's president. #spies