The 2023-24 Enacted #California Budget has allocated $380 million to construction for the "San Quentin Rehabilitation Center” as a trial of “The California Model”. This model makes false comparisons to The Norway Model - not taking into account fundamental differences between our countries.
As the incarcerated population continues to drop, California must continue to #CloseCAPrisons.
Let CDCr know how you feel by sending a one-click letter developed by our partner CURB
From CURB: CCC officially deactivated:
The #CloseCAPrisons campaign honors this community win while also recognizing that there is more to be done to ensure that additional prisons across the state close safely and efficiently.
Prison closure can create billions in cost savings. These resources MUST be shifted to housing, healthcare, and education: systems of care that actually keep communities safe.
#California #CURB #prisons #decarcerate
#decarcerate #prisons #curb #california #closecaprisons
Our partner Californians United for a Responsible Budget , a statewide coalition of over 80 organizations, is proud to present a Roadmap to #CloseCAPrisons. This decarceral just transition framework, whereby California can support any city or town with a prison in shifting the local economy and community away from a perceived reliance on incarceration, and toward healthy and life-affirming investments in services, infrastructure, and high road jobs. Read the roadmap here
Human Impact Partners, jointly with some of our partner organizations, has released their From Crisis to Care report which shows that a majority of people, including a disproportionate number of trans people, who are inside women's prisons report having experienced prior emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. We must #CloseCAPrisons and reinvest the money into sustainable solutions for communities.
Read more about the report and take a look at the findings
Action alert from #CURB - Californians United for a Responsible Budget about gender violence and prisons.
For tomorrow, Thurs. March 2, 12-1pm PST
Gonna carry this over here from the birdsite if I can be free during that time!
#curb #fromcrisis2care #healthnotpunishment #closecaprisons
From CURB, Close California Prisons Coalition:
Prison closure is happening in California📢 We need ALL HANDS ON DECK to keep the momentum going!
💫Join us for the #CloseCAPrisons Rally & Press Conference on January 12th at the California State Capitol in Sacramento!
Spread the word:
#decarcerate #california #curb #prison #closecaprisons