Visit online today and help inform about more of your habits and plans you might have for the future.

Being served by Amazon means you can enjoy all the you've always dreamed of. Why not purchase an speaker or product at a huge discount so we can use your homeNetwork to grow our proprietary, we like to call .

#AustraliaPost #amazon #surveillance #amazonecho #amazonring #closedCorporateInternet #AmazonSidewalk #mitm #mafiaInTheMiddleAttack #blackfriday

Last updated 3 years ago

Time is running out.

Bring awareness of to the streets (and make friends)…


a) print out flyers and give them to people you see or meet on your commutes (break the ice by asking them, "Hello, just wondering how tired you might be of the dictating what you can see and say online.") (see # fediFlyer),

b) get some (ie. durable plastic ) from a shop, and…


#cyberattack #bigtech #fediverse #algorithms #coreflute #signs #signage #protest #closedweb #closedCorporateInternet

Last updated 3 years ago

Open letter to EFF,

Hi @eff,

We are concerned that might be designed to create a .

If we are going to go down the route of a then the must be open. This means (in so far as that is ).

What is creating is a disgrace to an open and supposedly free society.

We are considering whether a recall of their , and other products should be enacted.

Thanks for reading.

#AmazonSidewalk #closedCorporateInternet #meshnet #technology #openhardware #circuitry #printable #amazon #amazonring #EchoSpeakers

Last updated 3 years ago