@kfogel is also researching #ClosedForkWarning
Specifically the "delayed open source publication" #DOSP movement which is also a fake #OpenSource fork.
#closedforkwarning #dosp #opensource
I'm tagging all new about projects that became closed with the tag #ClosedForkWarning
Lightbend changed the license on all Akka modules from Apache 2.0 to the BSL v1.1 (Business Source License) starting with Akka v2.7.
#ClosedForkWarning #ClosedSource #akka #programmingLanguage #OpenSource(not)
#closedforkwarning #closedsource #akka #programminglanguage #opensource
Looking for more (recent or not) examples of #OpenSource projects that have been closed and forked into a closed or non OSI-approved licenses.
#opensource #closedforkwarning
Looking for more (recent or not) examples of #OpenSource projects that have been closed and forked into a closed or non OSI-approved licenses.
#opensource #closedforkwarning
#OpenSource #ClosedForkWarning
Work on 160x Python compiler acceleration https://github.com/seq-lang/seq has been archived on 2022-12-08 and forked in to a closed-source project (BSL 1.1 until 2025).
#opensource #closedforkwarning