"The Chumash people have occupied this area for more than 15,000 years, and the Pacific Ocean is 'the birth of life' for the Chumash... some ancient Chumash villages are submerged under water about 3 to 6 miles west of the current tide lines... This is one of the reasons why a sanctuary is imperative for the Chumash: It would ensure that their ancestors have a quiet resting place."


#closediablocanyon #chnms #chumashheritagenationalmarinesanctuary

Last updated 1 year ago

"The Land Conservancy of SLO County, Cal Poly, Regional Economic Action Coalition (REACH) and the yak titu titu yak tihini Northern Chumash Tribe (ytt) presented a proposal to the California Natural Resources Agency on Feb. 10..."


#NoMiraclesNeeded #WindWaterSolar #phaseoutfossilfuels #phaseoutnuclearenergy #closediablocanyon #DiabloCanyon

Last updated 1 year ago