20 years of #dotcons selling us libertarian individualism to push aside collective support of the "revolutionary" #openweb which is when we last had left tech power.
For this 20 years we have had #geekproblem pushing #closedweb as left tech, this is OBVIOUSLY a disaster we can't keep doing. Yes, let's not get into a prat fight, this is needed as a supplementary.
#dotcons #openweb #geekproblem #closedweb #indymediaback #omn #OGB #makeinghistory
@HeavenlyPossum @pyperkub @pluralistic @RD4Anarchy
Yep, we have had 20 years of #dotcons selling us libertarian individualism to push aside collective support of the "revolutionary" #openweb which is when we last had left tech power.
For this 20 years we have had #geekproblem pushing #closedweb as left tech, this is OBVIOUSLY a disaster we can't keep doing. Yes, let's not get into a prat fight, this is needed as a supplementary.
#dotcons #openweb #geekproblem #closedweb #indymediaback #omn #OGB #makeinghistory
Thinking about #AI harvesting our online text, it's the price (and delight) of #opendata, and this is what the #openweb is.
We are not doing #closedweb projects, though you can use a non-commercial #CC licence as a part of the #4opens to mediate this.
#ai #opendata #openweb #closedweb #cc #4opens
@danhon it's the price (and delight) of #opendata, and this is what the #openweb is.
We are not doing #closedweb projects, though you can use a non-commercial CC licence as a part of the #4opens to mediate this.
#opendata #openweb #closedweb #4opens
For the last 15 years most activists have been organising direct action in the #dotcons so a step to the #openweb is a good step.
I was involved in the setting up of the instance we are talking about, when pushing this I pushed it was #4opens after it was out of the hands of #submedia the talk of "hardening" began, and is still ongoing bad pushing of a foles agenda. It's #openweb not #closedweb
They are different paths with only slight overlap.
#dotcons #openweb #4opens #submedia #closedweb
Resitence to censorship is as much social than it is technological. Think abut how being public protects your free speech etc. how can we level power to give everyone a share of this "power". Tech has a role, but how we choose to shape our society has a MUCH bigger role in this #openweb vs #closedweb
@FranckLeroy this is a general fail for the idea of the #closedweb that both #dotcons and our "progressive" #geekproblem activists have pushed over us for the last ten years.
#closedweb #dotcons #geekproblem
The #OpenWeb is often contrasted with the #closedweb or “walled garden web”, where content and data are locked behind proprietary platforms, controlled by corporations or governments, and subject to limitations, restrictions, and surveillance. The #dotcons
#openweb, reminds people of the old ways. It told of a time when people worked together and shared things freely. And the hashtag, #closedweb, specks of the dangers of a for-profit internet that put money before people.
The #closedweb hashtag critiques the for-profit internet and its social consequences, while the #4opens promote the principles of transparency, collaboration, and sharing in open-source development.
Keeping things simple and straightforward with the #KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle ia a powerful way to promote the #openweb vs #closedweb and the #4opens in technology development.
It's important to recognize that technology is constantly evolving, and the #techchurn can result in a lot of #techshit that is not useful or sustainable. By composting this techcrap and promoting more open and ethical practices, we can create a healthier and more resilient #openweb that benefits everyone.
#kiss #openweb #closedweb #4opens #techchurn #techshit
The #openweb is a decentralized and open approach to the internet, where communities and individuals have trust over their digital spaces and data. This emphasizes the importance of #DIY culture and #grassroots efforts in the development of #openweb culture and technologies. The #openweb is contrasted with the centralized and closed approach of the #closedweb, for example the current dominating #dotcons, which prioritize corporate interests over community control.
#openweb #diy #grassroots #closedweb #dotcons
Just to add that this is the same metaphor as open/closed
ie. #openweb vs #closedweb
These hashtags all add up to a story http://hamishcampbell.com/tag/hashtags/
We need to think creatively on how to address this. We don't need more mess, we do need solutions #4opens
The #fediforum is a messenger bringing strong destructive forces with it, this is not a feeling, it's what is, the #openweb works in one way, meany of the people coming are bringing the #closedweb with them, this is natural., "common sense" to them, they are used to this path.
Agen it needs to be clear this is not simply a "problem", it's not a value judgment, it's simply what is.
#4opens #fediforum #openweb #closedweb
The issue is pushing #closedweb thinking into a #openweb project. Why do we need to add secure DM's to mastodon, exactly, and what would be added by this and what would be lost?
@eibhear @matrix matrix is a gold #4opens project but has 2 issues it's a defacto open "industrial" standard and it has semi opaque governance issues. Not big problems.
The issue is pushing #closedweb thinking into a #openweb project. Why do we need to add secure DM's to mastodon, exactly, and what would be added by this and what would be lost?
@eibhear @matrix that would be hugely blotted server wise, and mastodon is #4opens project so encryption is not a core part and would make the white lie of security this was built on, hard to maintain.
It works because it's #openweb to start to move to #closedweb would make this likely not work anymore.
When scrolling through a thread, here on the #Fediverse, I need to condition myself _not_ to skip every 3rd reply assuming it's an advert.
This is what the #ClosedWeb has done to me.
The #OpenWeb is an ideal of an open, decentralized, and accessible Internet, where users have control over their online life, and are free to access and share information and content without censorship or restrictions. The concept of the #OpenWeb is built on the principles of the #4opens, so creativity can flourish without being stifled by gatekeepers or monopolies. The #OpenWeb is can be seen as a counterbalance to the more centralized and #closedweb dominated by a few large tech companies.
The #OpenWeb is often contrasted with the #closedweb or "walled garden web", where content and data are locked behind proprietary platforms, controlled by corporations or governments, and subject to limitations, restrictions, and surveillance. The #dotcons