RT @reveangelique@twitter.com

So when Dominicans are acting like they hate Haitians they need to open a history book! This thread is the letter a general wrote to a Haitian President to thank him for helping them gained their independence! Please read or translate! Bonjour Haiti! twitter.com/Haitianaute/status

🐦🔗: twitter.com/reveangelique/stat

#dominican #closetheborder

Last updated 2 years ago

Upstate Voice · @UpstateVoice
220 followers · 1120 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

Disturbing New Video Of Thousands Of Illegal Aliens Heading Toward The USA via Mexican Border.

Greyhound Buslines and American Airlines Are partnering with the cartels to bring Illegals and dangerous gang members to 15+ states in America. They're coming to a town near you.


#deportillegalaliens #closetheborder #stoptheinvasion #sovereignty #maga

Last updated 2 years ago


"Nothing about my test indicated it was a second strain," he said. "I thought, 'How is this possible?' And really, no one knows. The doctors think it may have flared back up."

One of the things that irks him is a common belief that people will be fine after they contract the coronavirus and test positive for antibodies.

"I don't buy that at all," he said. "My doctor said I might even test positive a third time."


#closetheborder #DefyTheUnion #savelives

Last updated 5 years ago

"The UK government is relaxing the current two-metre distancing rule to “one-metre plus” in England, despite the warnings of some scientists that coronavirus cases remain too high to loosen restrictions."


#closetheborder #DefyTheUnion #savelives

Last updated 5 years ago