@Natsura The selfies usually go up under the #ReverseCasualFriday and #ClothesHaveNoGender hashtags, so you could follow those if you want to.
At least RFC has a lot of other posts as well though.
#reversecasualfriday #clotheshavenogender
I realized that these pictures were taken before I got this account and they are important to me.
This is the first dress that I bought for myself and while doing so I had to overcome a lot of mental barriers.
When I saw the pattern by @dustrial I knew had to get it. But allowing myself to buy it? Not that easy.
My wife had let me borrow a dress before but my head made telling her that I bought one for myself harder than it should have been. She supports me fully!
#ClothesHaveNoGender 🧵
A while ago I've been asked if I had ever written about the background of my gender expression and fashion experiments and the agenda behind it.
Well, now I have - mostly for future reference. If you are interested in taking a very personal and lengthy look into my head you can do so here: https://tobiasgeyer.wordpress.com/2023/08/03/a-background-story/
Content warning: Mention of dysphoria and in one chapter details about my body and body image
#ClothesHaveNoGender #ReverseCasualFriday #GenderNonConforming #Fashion,
#clotheshavenogender #reversecasualfriday #gendernonconforming #fashion
This is my favorite #ReverseCasualFriday outfit so far. It combines many things which have become important to me - friends (and their support), #ReverseCasualFriday & #ClothesHaveNoGender (obviously), pole fitness (I'm wearing a pole top), therapy (less negative self talk).
This wouldn't have been possible without so many people and I'm grateful for every single one of you. 🧵
#reversecasualfriday #clotheshavenogender
On the plus side this Chinese seller lives #ClothesHaveNoGender. The shoes are available until size 48 EU!
My new sports equipment arrived today and I'm in love 😍
Hooray for #pole #dancing being an excuse to buy #shoes!
Adding a 20cm heel to my 1.96m is an interesting feeling but I can walk surprisingly well in them.
Sadly the seller seems to have sent the wrong size - I ordered 47 and got 45. I can squeeze in but my toes hurt a lot.
#poledancing #ClothesHaveNoGender
#pole #dancing #shoes #poledancing #clotheshavenogender
Current #ClothesHaveNoGender problem:
I'm perfectly fine with my masculine body and with being a man.
Still every time I wear a tight skirt or dress I wish I could simply take off some parts of my anatomy for that nice "flat front" look.
None of the solutions I have tried so far have worked well enough ☹️
I remember seeing a cartoon of a masculine person wearing feminine clothes (a nightgown?), looking in the mirror and thinking about all the instances where men dressing as woman were used as jokes in popular media. This makes them feel shame.
Does anyone know which one I mean and have it? I forgot to save it when I came across it. 😭
Boosts appreciated
#ClothesHaveNoGender #GenderNonConforming #Fashion
#clotheshavenogender #gendernonconforming #fashion
Got dressed, had breakfast - I'm ready for #RTC2023
I loved the question I got during breakfast: "Has this [outfit] anything to do with your talk?"
And I could answer: "No, it has something to do with who I am"
Update on my #corset journey: After taking all the measurements needed to make a feminine corset fit my masculine body the corset maker replied that she's created a new corset for masculine bodies.
I'll get to try that one soon, it should need less changes. #ClothesHaveNoGender
Interesting observation: The last five days I'd never wore pants (even though I'd two with me).
And yes, pants are more practical, you can not step on the hem, no risk to expose more skin than planned (wind, moving cloth when sitting), but I still prefer the skirts currently.
#ClothesHaveNoGender (Or is it the hashtag with the signs? 😂 - Currently no idea how to interpret the situation. But I feel significantly more comfortable than before, so it seems right, no matter what it is in the end. )
hmmmm, ich glaube ich muss 'mal die Tage die Jeans zählen.
Bauchgefühl sagt das sind noch mehr (insbesondere mit den "öseligen" für Garten/Handwerken), aber schon spannend wie fix sich Röcke vermehren können...
@Myunfocusedlife @OhNoSheTwitnt And whoever invented the ideas than male shoe sizes and female shoe sizes are usually not comparable (especially US and UK, but also in the EU they are usually narrower, but lengthwise same) should burn in hell because it makes #ClothesHaveNoGender an additional challenge.
Any #sewing folks know good places to find more "interesting" top patterns for people without boobs? It seems "Mens patterns" === GAP clothing...starting with basic stuff for now is fine but looking to see what's out there for future reference :) thanks #sewingBee #SewItWouldSeam #sewingPatterns #fashion #clothesHaveNoGender
#sewing #SewingBee #SewItWouldSeam #sewingPatterns #fashion #clotheshavenogender
I got my latest #conference #speaker outfit back from the tailor this week, so on this #ReverseCasualFriday I can share it with you.
Open questions: Where to attach the microphone pack? I'm thinking about a wide white belt but I'm open for suggestions.
Black kitten heels or neon pink high heels? Both are not ideal but getting new shoes won't work out.
#ClothesHaveNoGender #WearWhatYouWant #NeedsPockets
#conference #speaker #reversecasualfriday #clotheshavenogender #wearwhatyouwant #needspockets
@brueckenlaeufer @doppelgrau Ich nutze dafür #ClothesHaveNoGender aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das für euch passt.
It's interesting to observe how my coworkers go from "I support you in any fashion choice" to a "funny" remark "haha, you should wear high heels at work" to plain confused and weirded out when I tell them that I can't find any in my size. Mentioning that I need them for #pole didn't seem to help.
#bias #diversity #ClothesHaveNoGender #polefitness #poledancing
#pole #bias #diversity #clotheshavenogender #polefitness #poledancing
Went to my favorite tailor today to fit my new conference speaker outfit better to my body. I don't have the hips this outfit needs but luckily that can be solved by trimming the fabric.
More pictures to come once it's done - I love it already!
#conference #speaker #ClothesHaveNoGender
#conference #speaker #clotheshavenogender
I've been reminded how much representation matters tonight. As a white middle aged man I'm part of the default all the time.
Ever since I started pole fitness and started looking into outfits I felt like an extreme edge case.
Then I found the Instagram account of a man who does what I dream of but don't dare to do. Just seeing his pictures gave me a massive confidence boost.
It also reminded me to keep my work on #ClothesHaveNoGender up and maybe inspire others.
@the_qa_guy #ClothesHaveNoGender has become a fairly regular part of my vocabulary, and a lot of that can be chalked up to you talking about it online.
So, thanks. :)