"Cancer In People Under 50 Surges By At Least 79%, Researchers Blame Alcohol And Meat"
Oh, really? Blame alcohol and meat for something that saw an increase only after the #clotshot came out?
It took thousands of years, but finally humans consuming these two will now get cancer. Give me a break!
They must think people are easily misled for some reason. lol 🤪
"Cancer In People Under 50 Surges By At Least 79%, Researchers Blame Alcohol And Meat"
Oh, really? Blame alcohol and meat for something that saw an increase only after the #clotshot came out?
It took thousands of years, but finally humans consuming these two will now get cancer. Give me a break!
They must think people are easily misled for some reason. lol 🤪
#Trump2024 #MAGA #ImpeachJoeBiden #Truth #TrumpWon #vaccine #Trump #desantis #tuckercarlson #deepstate #hillaryclinton
#impeachbiden #RINO #Democrats #ObamaChef #clotshot #bidencrimefamily #OBAMAGATE #Ukraine #COVID19 I got invited to 🇨🇳 when I was 14. My great grandmother taught Kamala Harris in elementary school. I AM AN INDEPENDENT BUT I HAVE LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE FAMILY MEMBERS. I SAY WE USE CHINA’S SECRETS AGAINST THEM AND FIGHT THE NWO WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE. SMART TAKE FROM THE STRONG! http://easriu.com
#trump2024 #maga #ImpeachJoeBiden #truth #trumpwon #vaccine #Trump #DeSantis #TuckerCarlson #DeepState #hillaryclinton #impeachbiden #RINO #Democrats #ObamaChef #clotshot #bidencrimefamily #obamagate #ukraine #COVID19
#Trump2024 #MAGA #ImpeachJoeBiden #Truth #TrumpWon #vaccine #Trump #desantis #tuckercarlson #deepstate #hillaryclinton
#impeachbiden #RINO #Democrats #ObamaChef #clotshot #bidencrimefamily #OBAMAGATE #Ukraine #COVID19 PROUD DAUGHTER OF US ARMY RANGER FATHER AND ARMY VET MENSA MEMBER AND SOUTHERN BELLE MOTHER http://karesscosmetics.com
#trump2024 #maga #ImpeachJoeBiden #truth #trumpwon #vaccine #Trump #DeSantis #TuckerCarlson #DeepState #hillaryclinton #impeachbiden #RINO #Democrats #ObamaChef #clotshot #bidencrimefamily #obamagate #ukraine #COVID19
Vaxx - From the Horse Mouth Previous Pushing Deadly Shot
#news #covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #booster #sads #diedsuddenly #clotshot #death #health #pandemic #corona #pfizer #australia
#news #covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #booster #sads #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #death #health #pandemic #corona #pfizer #australia
Autopsies confirm what the data & pathophysiology have been saying. Please SHARE!
#vaccinegenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #PfizerPoison #Eugenics #Depopulation #NurembergCode #Nuremberg2 #PopulationControl #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #NewWorldOrder #NWO #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #GOF #GainOfFunction #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy #Totalitarianism #ExcessDeaths #excessdeathscovidvaccines #excessmortality
#VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #pfizerliedpeopledied #PfizerPoison #eugenics #depopulation #NurembergCode #NUREMBERG2 #populationcontrol #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #freepress #alternativemedia #ProfitOverPeople #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #freedom #worldeconomicforum #wef #newworldorder #nwo #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #MandateFreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #RealNotRare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #adversereactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #GoF #gainoffunction #bioweapon #genetherapy #totalitarianism #Excessdeaths #excessdeathscovidvaccines #excessmortality
God, please bless and watch over those who were too blind to do their own research, and those who "trusted the experts" and got the evil "vaccine". Also, please watch over all of us who were smart enough to resist getting jabbed, even if it cost us very little, or everything, friends, family, jobs...we stood strong. Bless us all.
#clotshot #vaxxx #God #praise #pray #vaccine
#clotshot #vaxxx #God #praise #PRAY #vaccine
So many Drs, researchers, scientists, & "conspiracy theorists" have been warning from the beginning: the COVID jabs are deadly. Lo and behold, more shots = more deaths. Who'd have thought?
#excessdeaths #excessmortality #VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Eugenics #Depopulation #CrimesAgainstHumanity #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy
#Excessdeaths #excessmortality #VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #eugenics #depopulation #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #freepress #alternativemedia #ProfitOverPeople #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #freedom #newworldorder #nwo #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #MandateFreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #RealNotRare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #adversereactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #bioweapon #genetherapy
So many Drs, researchers, scientists, & "conspiracy theorists" have been warning from the beginning: the COVID jabs are deadly. Lo and behold, more shots = more deaths. Who'd have thought?
#VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Eugenics #Depopulation #CrimesAgainstHumanity #depopulation #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy
#VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #eugenics #depopulation #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #freepress #alternativemedia #ProfitOverPeople #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #freedom #newworldorder #nwo #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #MandateFreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #RealNotRare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #adversereactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #bioweapon #genetherapy
All cause excess deaths correlate to 5G and the metala in the #clotshot. Not age.
Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed
#news #covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #clot #clotshot #blood #bloodclots #health #crime #moderna #pharma #pfizer #bigpharma #pharma #tech #technology #virus #pandemic #disease #sads #diedsuddenly
#news #covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #clot #clotshot #blood #bloodclots #health #crime #moderna #pharma #pfizer #bigpharma #tech #technology #virus #pandemic #disease #sads #DiedSuddenly
Yesterday at the gym I overheard a woman in her late 50s who just started working out. She was widowed 6 months ago. Her husband started having trouble when his left arm stopped functioning. He had a stroke and took out the clot. A week later, he had trouble breathing.They found more clots in the brain and lungs. He died soon afterwards.
The wife said the doctors assessed him with a "rare condition" in which the body starts clotting after a certain age.
And the wife totally bought it.
I know a lot of us here have awakened to the fact that there is a sinister agenda afoot, but there are a lot of other people who are completely clueless. More often then not when I suggest that the vaccine is responsible for their health condition, people completely shut down on me, refusing to listen.
Sometimes it's frustrating to open people's minds.
#redpill #bluepill #clotshot #vaccine #vaccines
Moderna CEO, Stephane Bancel, is given a PAY RAISE of 50% to $1.5m After He Cashed in $400m in Stock After Raising the Cost of the Jab from $26 to $130
Yeah, this mRNA shot is not about profits or anything else (like depopulation perhaps). It is all about protecting people's health. https://tinyurl.com/4sy3su5r
But hey, since the cost of the shot to manufacture is estimated at $1.18 cents to make, well, those profits have to somewhere, right? (BTW, that is a 10,000% markup.)
Why not reward the poor struggling CEO with a 50% raise who already owns company stocks valued at around $2.8 billion?
Perhaps they should rename Operation Warp Speed to Operation Get Rich Quick.
#moderna #clotshot #covidvaccine #bigpharma
#BigPharma #covidvaccine #clotshot #Moderna
Videos of Reporters or Reports of 55 People Collapsing on Camera, or Canceling Events for Health Reasons or Onstage Collapses in 2022-2023
The media response is always the same:
"We don't know what caused this. It's an unexpected and mysterious syndrome." https://www.bitchute.com/video/J198HBz0PDdg/
Of course, they never connect the dots that none of this was happening with the frequency we have seen since the COVID shot roll-outs.
Not that the shot would have any connection to this, of course.
It is the biggest PSYOP in human history.
They wanted you DEAD or dying. Just look how hard they tried to get the masses to take this deadly #clotshot concoction. They spent millions producing crap like this: