AWS to Begin Charging for Public IPv4 Addresses
#ycombinator #aws_ec2_public_ipv4 #Development #Architecture_Design #EC2 #AWS #Amazon #IPv6 #IPv4 #Cloud_Computing #Cost_Optimization #Cloud
#ycombinator #aws_ec2_public_ipv4 #development #architecture_design #ec2 #aws #amazon #ipv6 #ipv4 #cloud_computing #cost_optimization #cloud
The Cloud Is a Prison. Can the Local-First Software Movement Set Us Free?
#ycombinator #longreads #cloud_computing #software #developers #p2p #open_source
#ycombinator #longreads #cloud_computing #software #developers #p2p #open_source
CAVEAT ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking) |
Stars & Stripes | #Oracle Loses #Appeal in $10 Billion #Pentagon_Contract Fight | A U.S. appeals court #Rejected Oracle’s challenges to the Pentagon’s disputed $10 #Billion #cloud_computing contract. Oracle had raised a number of issues, including allegations of #conflicts_of_interest with #Amazon, and claims the Pentagon #VIOLATED its own #RULES when it set up the contract to be #awarded to a #single_firm. The U.S. Court of #Appeals for the #Federal_Circuit affirmed a lower-court ruling that Oracle wasn’t harmed by any #errors the Pentagon made..
Oracle was fighting its #exclusion from seeking the #lucrative cloud-computing #deal, known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or #JEDI. The Pentagon awarded the contract to #Microsoft in October over market leader #Amazon_Web_Services (#AWS). The project, which is valued at as much as $10 billion over a decade, is designed to help the Pentagon #consolidate its #technology programs and move information quickly to #warfighters around the #world.
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #CIA #PERFECT_EXAMPLE #censorship #BOYCOTT_CENTRALIZED_CENSORSHIP #oracle #Appeal #Pentagon_Contract #rejected #billion #cloud_computing #conflicts_of_interest #Amazon #VIOLATED #Rules #awarded #single_firm #Appeals #Federal_Circuit #errors #EXCLUSION #lucrative #deal #Jedi #microsoft #Amazon_Web_Services #aws #consolidate #Technology #warfighters #world #SEO #RTB #HFT
CAVEAT ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking) |
Stars & Stripes | #Oracle Loses #Appeal in $10 Billion #Pentagon_Contract Fight | A U.S. appeals court #Rejected Oracle’s challenges to the Pentagon’s disputed $10 #Billion #cloud_computing contract. Oracle had raised a number of issues, including allegations of #conflicts_of_interest with #Amazon, and claims the Pentagon #VIOLATED its own #RULES when it set up the contract to be #awarded to a #single_firm. The U.S. Court of #Appeals for the #Federal_Circuit affirmed a lower-court ruling that Oracle wasn’t harmed by any #errors the Pentagon made..
Oracle was fighting its #exclusion from seeking the #lucrative cloud-computing #deal, known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or #JEDI. The Pentagon awarded the contract to #Microsoft in October over market leader #Amazon_Web_Services (#AWS). The project, which is valued at as much as $10 billion over a decade, is designed to help the Pentagon #consolidate its #technology programs and move information quickly to #warfighters around the #world.
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #CIA #PERFECT_EXAMPLE #censorship #BOYCOTT_CENTRALIZED_CENSORSHIP #oracle #Appeal #Pentagon_Contract #rejected #billion #cloud_computing #conflicts_of_interest #Amazon #VIOLATED #Rules #awarded #single_firm #Appeals #Federal_Circuit #errors #EXCLUSION #lucrative #deal #Jedi #microsoft #Amazon_Web_Services #aws #consolidate #Technology #warfighters #world #SEO #RTB #HFT
CAVEAT ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking) |
Stars & Stripes | #Oracle Loses #Appeal in $10 Billion #Pentagon_Contract Fight | A U.S. appeals court #Rejected Oracle’s challenges to the Pentagon’s disputed $10 #Billion #cloud_computing contract. Oracle had raised a number of issues, including allegations of #conflicts_of_interest with #Amazon, and claims the Pentagon #VIOLATED its own #RULES when it set up the contract to be #awarded to a #single_firm. The U.S. Court of #Appeals for the #Federal_Circuit affirmed a lower-court ruling that Oracle wasn’t harmed by any #errors the Pentagon made..
Oracle was fighting its #exclusion from seeking the #lucrative cloud-computing #deal, known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or #JEDI. The Pentagon awarded the contract to #Microsoft in October over market leader #Amazon_Web_Services (#AWS). The project, which is valued at as much as $10 billion over a decade, is designed to help the Pentagon #consolidate its #technology programs and move information quickly to #warfighters around the #world.
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #CIA #PERFECT_EXAMPLE #censorship #BOYCOTT_CENTRALIZED_CENSORSHIP #oracle #Appeal #Pentagon_Contract #rejected #billion #cloud_computing #conflicts_of_interest #Amazon #VIOLATED #Rules #awarded #single_firm #Appeals #Federal_Circuit #errors #EXCLUSION #lucrative #deal #Jedi #microsoft #Amazon_Web_Services #aws #consolidate #Technology #warfighters #world #SEO #RTB #HFT
#International_Tech_News | A Perfect Example of #SUPPRESSED and #CONCEALED Past NEWS!
CAVEAT ORACLE: MEMORY LANE | Stars & Stripes | #Oracle Loses #Appeal in $10 Billion #Pentagon_Contract Fight |
A U.S. appeals court #Rejected Oracle’s challenges to the Pentagon’s disputed $10 #Billion #cloud_computing contract.
Oracle had raised a number of issues, including allegations of #conflicts_of_interest with #Amazon, and claims the Pentagon #VIOLATED its own #RULES ???
#rules #violated #amazon #conflicts_of_interest #cloud_computing #billion #rejected #Pentagon_Contract #appeal #oracle #concealed #suppressed #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
privatim Konferenz der schweizerischen Datenschutzbeauftragten
Cloud-spezifische Risiken und Massnahmen
Version 3.0 vom 03.02.2022
mit Anhang: Leitfäden Auftragsdatenbearbeitung der kantonalen Datenschutzbeauftragten
Anmerkungen von RA David Vasella
G Suite nicht mehr gratis? Hört auf zu jammern, Google macht das beste Angebot | heise online
##saukontrovers #Cloud_Computing #Collaboration #G_Suite #Google #Google_Workspace #Kommentar
#saukontrovers #cloud_computing #collaboration #G_Suite #google #Google_Workspace #Kommentar
Microsoft Azure : les données de milliers d'entreprises sont exposées depuis des années
> La firme de Redmond vient de découvrir une faille de sécurité dans les infrastructures de Microsoft Azure. Le service cloud a averti ses clients que leurs données ont pu être exploitées au cours des deux dernières années.
#Microsoft_Azure #Sécurité #Cloud_Computing #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #cloud_computing #sécurité #microsoft_azure
Cloud de confiance et licences US : Catherine Morin-Desailly questionne, l'écosystème réagit
> Les parlementaires commencent (enfin) à se saisir des questions qui restent en suspens autour des annonces du 27 mai sur la nouvelle doctrine cloud de l'État. Ainsi, la sénatrice a interrogé hier le gouvernement sur ses promesses de souveraineté « hybride ».
#Cloud_Computing #Cloud_de_confiance #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #Cloud_de_confiance #cloud_computing
Retour sur l’incendie des serveurs d’OVH : la sobriété numérique est-elle possible ?
> Les dégâts irréversibles causés par l’incendie, début mars 2021, du data center SGB2 d’OVH, le numéro 1 français du cloud computing, n’en finissent pas de provoquer des remous. Le terme de « cataclysme » a même souvent été employé pour quali…
#Data_Center #Objets_connectés #5G #Cloud_Computing #Sobriété_Numérique #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #sobriété_numérique #cloud_computing #5g #objets_connectés #data_center
Cloud : 10 acteurs partagent 77% du marché
> Pendant la pandémie de Covid-19, AWS, Microsoft Azure, et quelques autres géants de la tech ont enregistré une croissance sans précédent sur les services de cloud computing et affirment leur domination sur le marché.
#Cloud_Computing #Position_dominante #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #Position_dominante #cloud_computing
#IT #Gaia-X #cloud_computing #data_protection #eu #global
What is Gaia-X? A guide to the EU’s unified cloud ecosystem
#cloud_computing #data_protection #eu #global #it #gaia
Informatique: sous son "nuage" très américain, l'Europe s'inquiète
> Sur le Vieux Continent, plusieurs experts et gouvernements s'inquiètent de la multiplication des partenariats que signent de grandes entreprises européennes avec des géants américains pour accélérer dans le cloud computing.
#Cloud_Computing #Souveraineté_Technologique #RevueDePresse
#revuedepresse #Souveraineté_Technologique #cloud_computing #shaarli2mastodon
Gaia-X : le couple franco-allemand officialise son projet de Cloud souverain européen - ZDNet
#Cloud_computing #Cloud_public #Politique #Infrastructure #AWS #OVH #Azure #Google #Informatique
#informatique #google #azure #ovh #aws #infrastructure #politique #Cloud_public #cloud_computing
La nouvelle arme secrète du football anglais : de meilleures données - ZDNet
#Transformation_Numérique #Big_data #Cloud_computing #Google #IT_Management
#transformation_numérique #big_data #cloud_computing #google #it_management
[#Actu] « Proxmox VE 5.3 vient avec CephFS » #Administrationsystème #cloud_computing #virtualisation #datacenter #proxmox #debian
#actu #administrationsystème #cloud_computing #virtualisation #datacenter #proxmox #debian