What’s next for observability?
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#CloudComputing #SoftwareDevelopment #Microservices #CloudNative #Devops
#cloudcomputing #softwaredevelopment #microservices #cloudnative #devops
A comeback for private clouds
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#DataCenter #CloudArchitecture #PublicCloud #PrivateCloud #CloudComputing
#datacenter #cloudarchitecture #Publiccloud #privatecloud #cloudcomputing
A comeback for private clouds - I’ve been keeping up with private clouds. I’m not doing too much private cloud work, b... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3706451/a-comeback-for-private-clouds.html#tk.rss_all #cloudarchitecture #cloudcomputing #privatecloud #publiccloud #datacenter
#datacenter #publiccloud #privatecloud #cloudcomputing #cloudarchitecture
What’s next for observability? - The concept of observability traces back to the 1960s, with Rudolf E. Kalman’s canonic... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3706048/what-s-next-for-observability.html#tk.rss_all #softwaredevelopment #cloudcomputing #microservices #cloud-native #devops
#devops #cloud #microservices #cloudcomputing #softwaredevelopment
Cloud Computing Conference Hamburg
Internetexperte Sven Oliver Rüsche besucht am 19. September 2023 die Cloud Computing Conference in Hamburg. Datenschutz und Digitalstrategie.
#Cloud #CloudAnbieter #CloudComputing #Datenschutz #Digitalstrategie #Hamburg #IaaS #Internetexperte #Kongresse #PaaS #SaaS #SOR
#cloud #cloudanbieter #cloudcomputing #datenschutz #digitalstrategie #hamburg #iaas #internetexperte #kongresse #paas #saas #sor
Kleines, quadratisches und ein Festival - die Fotonews der Woche 35/2023
Noch vor der Photopia werden neue Kameras angekündigt, mit Micro-Four-Thirds oder Sofortbild. Und Adobe stellt bald eine eine praktische Funktion ab.
#Adobe #CloudComputing #Fotografie #Kamera #MicroFourThirds #news
#adobe #cloudcomputing #fotografie #kamera #microfourthirds #news
Wie KI-generierte Inhalte die Demokratie gefährden
https://netzpalaver.de/2023/09/08/wie-ki-generierte-inhalte-die-demokratie-gefaehrden/ via @netzpalaver #CloudComputing #Datacenter #Telekommunkation #Infrastruktur
#cloudcomputing #datacenter #Telekommunkation #infrastruktur
Workiva rafforza la sua posizione da leader nel settore delle piattaforme con l'integrazione dell'IA generativa
Workiva Inc., la piattaforma cloud numero uno al mondo per un sistema di reporting generativa ...
#bestpracticeGovernance #cloud #cloudcomputing #ESG #intelligenzaartificiale
#bestpracticegovernance #cloud #cloudcomputing #ESG #intelligenzaartificiale
Adding generative AI systems may change your cloud architecture - So, you’re building a cloud architecture and also designing generative AI-powered syst... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3706094/adding-generative-ai-systems-may-change-your-cloud-architecture.html#tk.rss_all #cloudarchitecture #cloudcomputing #generativeai #itstrategy
#itstrategy #generativeAI #cloudcomputing #cloudarchitecture
Adding generative AI systems may change your cloud architecture
Check it out! 👇
#CloudArchitecture #ItStrategy #GenerativeAi #CloudComputing
#cloudarchitecture #itstrategy #generativeAI #cloudcomputing
IBM unveils generative AI foundation models
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#CloudComputing #Ibm #Analytics #SoftwareDevelopment #ArtificialIntelligence #GenerativeAi
#cloudcomputing #ibm #analytics #softwaredevelopment #artificialintelligence #generativeAI
IBM unveils generative AI foundation models - IBM has unveiled generative AI foundation models and Watsonx.ai generative AI enhancem... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3706449/ibm-unveils-generative-ai-foundation-models.html#tk.rss_all #artificialintelligence #softwaredevelopment #cloudcomputing #generativeai #analytics #ibm
#ibm #analytics #generativeAI #cloudcomputing #softwaredevelopment #artificialintelligence
Awesome talk from @matt_travis at #foss4guk2023 in Bristol. #cloudcomputing #geospatial
#foss4guk2023 #cloudcomputing #geospatial
Cloud first is dead—cloud smart is what’s happening now
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Building collaborative apps with Microsoft Loop components
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#CloudComputing #SoftwareDevelopment #DevelopmentLibrariesAndFrameworks #Microsoft
#cloudcomputing #softwaredevelopment #developmentlibrariesandframeworks #microsoft
Cloud first is dead—cloud smart is what’s happening now - Hybrid cloud, meaning some on premises and some off premises, is already the default a... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3705615/cloud-first-is-dead-cloud-smart-is-whats-happening-now.html#tk.rss_all #cloudcomputing #hybridcloud
Building collaborative apps with Microsoft Loop components - Microsoft Loop is an intriguing tool, one that promises a lot but has yet to deliver m... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3706288/building-collaborative-apps-with-microsoft-loop-components.html#tk.rss_all #developmentlibrariesandframeworks #softwaredevelopment #cloudcomputing #microsoft
#microsoft #cloudcomputing #softwaredevelopment #developmentlibrariesandframeworks
Generative AI may displace traditional cloud development
Check it out! 👇
#VendorsAndProviders #EmergingTechnology #TechnologyIndustry #GenerativeAi #CloudComputing
#vendorsandproviders #emergingtechnology #technologyindustry #generativeAI #cloudcomputing
Generative AI may displace traditional cloud development - Cloud computing conference season is here, and the theme is clear. Conferences are not... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3706092/generative-ai-may-displace-traditional-cloud-development.html#tk.rss_all #vendorsandproviders #technologyindustry #emergingtechnology #cloudcomputing #generativeai
#generativeAI #cloudcomputing #emergingtechnology #technologyindustry #vendorsandproviders
Interest in generative AI may displace traditional cloud development
Check it out! 👇
#VendorsAndProviders #EmergingTechnology #TechnologyIndustry #GenerativeAi #CloudComputing
#vendorsandproviders #emergingtechnology #technologyindustry #generativeAI #cloudcomputing