Cross country skiing this morning in southern New Mexico, woo hoo!
#newmexico #cloudcroft #sacramentomountains #crosscountryskiing #nordicskiing
A calm day allows me to fell a 24-inch diameter tree, and drop it where I want it in order to minimize damage to other trees.
#chainsaw #southernnewmexico #cloudcroft #firewood
That glorious time when the cloud cover is breaking up, and sunlight plays across the snowy landscape of #SouthernNewMexico
#southernnewmexico #cloudcroft #crosscountryskiing
12 hours ago the forecast was that we would maybe get 1-2 inches in the mountains.
As it gets dark, 7 inches, and snowing at a moderate rate.
#nmwx #southernnewmexico #cloudcroft
HA! Welp. Guess we aren't going to Alamogordo today.
Enormous rock slide south of the tunnel on Hwy. 82.
These boulders are taller than a man standing up. This will take a while.
#newmexico #cloudcroft #alamogordo
Southern New Mexico gets 6,000 sunny days a year.
After a storm you can help the driveway snow melt faster by darkening it with wood stove ash.
I have a steel barrel where I collect my ash.
Today's a great day to use half of that barrel.
#cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #sacramentomountains #solarenergy #snowcountry
Mountain life a day after a winter storm.
The driveway is gravel, long, steep, uphill from here.
#cloudcroft #sacramentomountains #snow #snowremoval
Another crappy morning in Southern New Mexico at 9,500 feet.
The afternoon will be even crappier when I fire up the snow thrower.
#outside #photography #cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #sacramentomountains #crosscountryskiing #nordicskiing
On my southern New Mexico!
I repeat, this is southern New Mexico! (At 9,300 feet)
#cloudcroft #sacramentomountains #southernnewmexico #newmexico #hagglunds #trackedvehicle #snowcountry
Cross country skiing in new snow.
Forest solitude.
#crosscountryskiing #nordicskiing #cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #sacramentomountains #nmwx
Sierra Blanca in evening sun, with a dusting of snow above tree line.
#cloudcroft #sierrablanca #southernnewmexico #newmexico #photography
Ok time to do a hashtag post so y'all know a bit more who I am.
Places I'm from / have lived:
Alma Maters:
#TCTCM (Texas College of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Topics formally studied:
#Business (MBA)
#texas #lubbock #houston #tomball #collegestation #dallas #austin #northcarolina #asheville #washington #vancouver #oregon #portland #newmexico #cloudcroft #utdallas #stedwardsuniversity #tctcm #business #acupuncture #psychology #medicine #businesslaw #economics
Sunset on Sierra Blanca.
#sierrablanca #cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #photography
Morning ski!
That worked up a good appetite for breakfast.
Soon I'll start snow removal...yuck.
#cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #sacramentomountains #crosscountry #nordicskiing #skiderandonee #wayoffpiste
First ski of the season!
#cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #sacramentomountains #nordicskiing #skiderandonnee #powdersnow #offpiste #crosscountryskiing #backcountryskiing
First ski of the season!
#cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #sacramentomountains #nordicskiing #skiderandonnee #powdersnow #offpiste
Quiet snowstorm in the Sacramento mountains of southern New Mexico at 9,440 feet. Temperature 27F.
#cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #snow #nmwx
Quiet snowstorm in the Sacramento mountains of southern New Mexico at 9,440 feet. Temperature 27F.
#cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #snow #nmwx
Sunset on Sierra Blanca
#sierrablanca #cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #photography
Sunrise on Sierra Blanca
#sierrablanca #cloudcroft #southernnewmexico #newmexico #photography