@lauren @darkninjadave honestly if there's one company that is good separating signal from noise, it's #cloudfare . People may have their faults with that company, but if was being sold off, I wouldn't mind as much if cloudflare bought it up
... vis-a-vis something out of left field like oracle, or something.
Posted another blog post about getting #Bookwyrm ( @bookwyrm ) installed on my local Synology NAS at home. I used Cloudfare tunnels to bypass the port forwarding issue, and to make the SSL certificates easier to deal with. I’m still finding my way around Bookwyrm, but feel free to find me at https://books.cdrum.social/user/cdrum
#fediverse #singleuserinstance #synology #tunnels #cloudfare #blog
#bookwyrm #fediverse #singleuserinstance #synology #tunnels #cloudfare #blog
@birnim I am not very sure , but when I looked up issues like
this came up as one of hn iirc
At least i get the sales pitch of #cloudfare
PSA: You can buy a domain directly from iPhone Settings. Get your own e-mail address for $10/year, which is cheaper than #GoogleDomains. #Apple partners with #CloudFare for this service. You must have a (free) iCloud email address before you can add a custom email with your own custom domain
I’ve just done this, so you can ask me about if you so desire! 😊
#customemaildomain #customdomain #iPadOS16 #iOS16 #cloudfare #apple #googledomains
Cloudflare Disables Access to ‘Pirated’ Content on Its IPFS Gateway: https://torrentfreak.com/cloudflare-disables-access-to-pirated-content-on-its-ipfs-gateway-230324/ #ipfs #update #cloudfare
Das Interesse der Bigplayer an #Mastodon ist erwacht. #Cloudfare geht jetzt mit einem eigenen Mastodon-Ableger namens #Wildebeest an den Start, der in deren Cloud gehostet wird. Ein langer Blog-Artikel beschreibt ausführlich, was da technisch genau passiert:
Und die Cloudfare-eigene Instanz von Wildebeest:
#wildebeest #cloudfare #mastodon
Cloudflare har annonceret deres egen mastodon kompatible server kaldet wildebeest. Det kan gå hen og blive rigtigt interessant for hele Fediverset
#Mastodon #cloudfare #wildebeest
#Mastodon #cloudfare #wildebeest
Cómo usar Cloudfare como servidor DDNS en unRAID #UNRAID #NAS #Cloudfare #DDNS #Network
#unraid #nas #cloudfare #ddns #network
Cómo usar Cloudfare como servidor DDNS en unRAID
#UNRAID #NAS #Cloudfare #DDNS #Network
#unraid #nas #cloudfare #ddns #network
@mekkaokereke @futurebird @smn
>> " I agree with Justin's point about the change needing to happen to be ready for 100s of millions."
This change is happening!
1.) Instances are being created with sponsors behind them, think #Medium, #Cloudfare with #wildebeest or #Mozilla announcement.
2.) People are talking about what issues the Fediverse is having and looking into fixing it.E.g. https://joinmastodon.org/roadmap exists to give people an idea where the official version is heading.
#mozilla #wildebeest #cloudfare #medium
Used for the first time a #cloudfare worker to expose my webfinger identity and it was pretty straightforward using https://github.com/cloudsecurityalliance/webfinger-cloudflare-worker as an example! so now my email address is my fediverse identity!
Best PrivateDNS
#foss #privacy #internet #encryption #DNS #PrivateDNS #NextDNS #Quad9 #Adguard #cloudfare #opensource #secutity #mastodon
#Mastodon #secutity #opensource #cloudfare #adguard #quad9 #nextdns #PrivateDNS #dns #encryption #internet #privacy #FOSS
@heise_security naja ob die Daten nach #Google oder #Cloudfare gehen, am Ende freut sich ein Internetriese. Warum kann es keinen #CAPTCHA geben der zu einer öffentlichen Datenbank beiträgt für Maschinenlernen? Das wäre eigentlich nützlich.
@cwebber beyond the irony, the actual situation is even better because there was actually no coordination behind the pressure put on #CloudFare, it an spontaneous (and thus NOT coordinated) convergence.
@kuketzblog #Cloudfare ist übrigens beim portugiesischen Zensus von der nationalen Datenschutzbehörde (CNPD) rausgeworfen worden. Meldung (EDBP) und Begründung (CNPD) bei dir im Forum.
You may not need Cloudflare Tunnel. Linux is fine: https://kiwiziti.com/~matt/wireguard/ #linux #cloudfare #alternative #tunnel
#linux #cloudfare #alternative #tunnel
Worktop - The next generation web framework for Cloudflare Workers https://github.com/lukeed/worktop #Back #Cloudfare #Framework #Workers #Worktop by @lukeed05@twitter.com
#back #cloudfare #framework #workers #Worktop
"just add our JavaScript, and you’re good to go"
Yeah, just send your visitors' data from your non-cloudfare website over to #cloudfare for fReE, PrIvAcY-FiRsT AnAlYtIcS
fucking morons.
RT @der_7e_schatten@twitter.com
A nice #InternetBlackOut today, because ONE platform died…
It's interesting and also a little bit frightning to see that a big % of the Internet relies on ONE service: #Cloudfare
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/der_7e_schatten/status/1284239642422910984