An interview with the Chief Technology Officer Pauline Flament about #cloud #smartmanufacturing. #softwaredriven #michelintechnology #infra #cloudfirstbutnotonly #data #saas #iaas #paas #greenIT
Michelin pursuing a balance in harnessing the advantages of cloud technologies while preserving the security, integrity, and efficiency of its operations:
- establishing partnerships with a diverse range of cloud providers, both globally and locally, ensuring flexibility and reducing dependency on any single entity.
- monitoring technical debt through indicators such as the number of applications, their average lifespan, and rate of obsolescence.
- broadening the IT perspective by integrating operational technology (IT/OT), transitioning from a focus on technical oversight to the evaluation of crucial business processes.
#Michelin #Tech #CloudComputing #IaaS #PaaS #CloudFirstStrategy #SmartManufacturing #ITOTConvergence #Multicloud #Hyperscalers #DataSecurity #GDPR
#cloud #smartmanufacturing #softwaredriven #michelintechnology #infra #cloudfirstbutnotonly #data #saas #iaas #paas #greenit #michelin #tech #cloudcomputing #cloudfirststrategy #itotconvergence #multicloud #hyperscalers #datasecurity #gdpr