Oh Cloudformation what have you done this time?
Deleting an EBS volume set to `SNAPSHOT` and Cloudformation timed out waiting for the snapshot creation. Instead of stopping right there, it's now retried and gone on to create *another* snapshot. So now I have two snapshots in pending...
What will it do if this one times out I wonder?
@DailyAwsTips yeah but you should really use #cdk and not #cloudformation directly! #aws
Exporting Serverless Framework (sls) Function URLs And Paths As Outputs https://link.medium.com/rrwEE2lwvCb
#serverless #aws #cloudformation
‘We’re Changing The Clouds.’ - An Unintended Test Of Geoengineering Is Fueling Record Ocean Warmth
https://www.science.org/content/article/changing-clouds-unforeseen-test-geoengineering-fueling-record-ocean-warmth <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-8259-2023 <-- shared paper
https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abn7988 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #pollution #emissions #sulfur #shiptracks #sulfate #particles #shipping #regulations #cargoshipping #model #modeling #climatechange #geoengineering #climatemodels #clouds #cloudformation #humanimpacts #impacts #remotesensing #imagery #AI #machinelearning #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #covid #airquality #maritime #maritimetransport
#gis #spatial #mapping #pollution #emissions #sulfur #shiptracks #sulfate #particles #shipping #regulations #cargoshipping #model #modeling #climatechange #geoengineering #climatemodels #clouds #cloudformation #humanimpacts #impacts #remotesensing #imagery #AI #machinelearning #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #COVID #airquality #maritime #maritimetransport
An improvement, but not enough.
I know that I've wasted heaps of times cleaning up resources like S3 Buckets, which CloudFormation won't _let_ you delete automatically if it's got data, _and_ then won't let you import automatically. This new ‘RetainExceptOnCreate’ will help, but please - what is really needed is a better way to bring unmanaged resources into a #CloudFormation stack.
(The "import" functionality in the console is _almost_ worse than useless)
For folks working with #AWS #CloudFormation who are not using something like #CDK, this is a nice enhancement to CloudFormation:
#aws #cloudformation #cdk #cloud #iac
🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "AI Feel You" A look at recent updates to AI in and around platform engineering and DevX
#ai #llama #llama2 #devsecops #sbom #softwaresupplychain #softwaresupplychainsecurity #DevX #platformengineering #governance #aieducation #aiethics #stem #developerexperience #infrastructureascode #iac #generativeai #genai #llmops #cloudformation #terraform #aifirst #apifirst #cloudfirst #mobilefirst #privacyfirst #securityfirst #aitraining #aitrends
#ai #llama #llama2 #devsecops #sbom #softwaresupplychain #softwaresupplychainsecurity #devx #platformengineering #governance #aieducation #aiethics #stem #developerexperience #infrastructureascode #iac #generativeai #genai #llmops #cloudformation #terraform #aifirst #apifirst #cloudfirst #mobilefirst #privacyfirst #securityfirst #aitraining #aitrends
Any AWS Cloudformation wizards know if you can populate files on a volume using parameters when deploying containers to ECS?
I see a Chinese Dragon.
Anyone else see it?
#clouds #cloudformation #imagination #creativity
#mindfulness #creativity #imagination #cloudformation #clouds
#Terraform is a car and #CloudFormation is a delivery van.
After a while, techies got _passionate_ and came out with #CDK and #Pulumi which are pretty much a Hummer H2.
System Initiative (SI) proposes leaving the US car-focused hellscape, moving to Amsterdam/Oulu, and getting an electric bike. It's pure bliss!
🧵 1/10
#terraform #cloudformation #cdk #pulumi
The #CloudFormation language extensions RFC for Fn::ForEach has been published, a great time to take a look and give feedback on the tracking issue #aws #InfrastructureAsCode https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cfn-language-discussion/blob/main/RFCs/0009-Fn%3A%3AForEach.md
#cloudformation #aws #infrastructureascode
Plankton Generate a Cloudy Shield over the Antarctic
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/plankton-generate-a-cloudy-shield-over-the-antarctic/ <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-1677-2023 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #watervapour #watervapor #nucleus #nucleation #cloud #whitening #climatemodels #cloudformation #clouds #weather #albedo #plankton #phytoplankton #remotesensing #satellite #MODIS #model #modeling #Antarctic #sunlight #climate #reflection #climatechange #warming #radiation #dimethylsulfide #aerosl #particles #marineboundarylayer #MBL
#gis #spatial #mapping #watervapour #watervapor #nucleus #nucleation #cloud #whitening #climatemodels #cloudformation #clouds #weather #albedo #plankton #phytoplankton #remotesensing #satellite #modis #model #modeling #antarctic #sunlight #climate #reflection #climatechange #warming #radiation #dimethylsulfide #aerosl #particles #marineboundarylayer #mbl
Phytoplankton May Be Abundant Under Antarctic Sea Ice, Study Suggests [remote sensing]
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/esnt/2022/phytoplankton-may-be-abundant-under-antarctic-sea-ice-study-suggests <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.942799 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #antarctic #eruption #remotesensing #ESA #gischat #satellite #nasa #icesat2 #earthobservation #oceanic #foodchain #phytoplankton #food #foodsource #marine #bloom #blooms #model #modeling #ice #icemass #sunlight #floats #datacollection #scubadiving #diving #elevation #DEM #water #cloud #cloudformation #climatechange #climate #energy
#gis #spatial #mapping #antarctic #eruption #remotesensing #Esa #gischat #satellite #NASA #icesat2 #earthobservation #oceanic #foodchain #phytoplankton #Food #foodsource #marine #bloom #blooms #model #modeling #ice #icemass #sunlight #floats #datacollection #scubadiving #diving #elevation #dem #water #cloud #cloudformation #climatechange #climate #energy
Deleting #aws #cloudformation stacks is a pain. I'd like to force and speed up the deletion process. What do you think of this tool written in #golang?
I love this, it's like the battle of the clouds is about to pursue #clouds #cloudformation #battle #sky #sunset #ScottishHighlands #Inverness #photography #myphotography
#myphotography #photography #inverness #scottishhighlands #sunset #sky #battle #cloudformation #clouds
Не знав, що за допомогою #eksctl можна додавати нод групи та керувати кластером #kubernetes на #AWS. Клієнт зробив YAML маніфест, який оброблює eksctl та створює #CloudFormation стек з ресурсами (у цьому випадку додатковою групою нод). Ноди створюються та працюють недовго, потім переходять у Uknown стан. Швидкий аналіз показав, що нода не може зрозуміти, яка роль на ній навішена (aws sts get-caller-identity не працює). Виявилось, що launch template був створений з вимикненим сервісом IMDSv2
#eksctl #kubernetes #aws #cloudformation
Am I upset that I spent the day push a wet noodle up the wrong hill? Sorta. But I did learn a lot about how the previous IT guy set things up, and where (I think he was headed).
Hopefully the newly gained understanding / knowledge will still be in my head come Monday. 2/2
#eks #cloudformation #LoadBalancer #namingishard
Rare cloud formations spotted over New Hampshire.
"Undulatus asperitus clouds are made up of a thick layer of clouds, below 7,000 feet, that are showing the turbulent conditions in the atmosphere."
#cloudformation #reddit #newhampshire #asperitus
So, #AWS #cloudformation vs #AWSCLI. Looks to be ending up the same as Azure #ARM vs #AzureCLI. If you already have the template, and deploy it once, it is good. But developing CLI scripts is quicker (debug one step at a time, rather than all at once). And templates run into the same dead ends: e.g. decides it needs to recreate the entire subnet, so it attempts to, but runs into an IP address conflict with the existing one, and the whole thing stops. There are things/changes that declarative approaches just can't do, and you need to use migrations (CLI scripts).
#aws #cloudformation #awscli #arm #AzureCLI
🔥Hot off the press "Saved by env0" This week we take a look at platform engineering related venture capital (VC) funding you might have missed.
#infrastructureascode #iac #cloudeconomics #collaboration #finops #gitops #venturecapital #accounting #funding #aws #pulumi #terraform #cloudformation #bicep #newsletter #newsletters
#infrastructureascode #iac #cloudeconomics #collaboration #finops #gitops #venturecapital #accounting #funding #aws #pulumi #terraform #cloudformation #bicep #newsletter #newsletters