Does anybody know why the #ansible module in #cloudinit would get ignore when provisioning a VM or VPS?
🚀 La suite de notre série sur le setup de VM en #gpupassthrough sous #Proxmox. C'est vendredi soir à 18h30 sur YouTube, au programme l'installation de #Debian 12 avec #Cloudinit . #virtualisation #vfio
#gpupassthrough #proxmox #debian #cloudinit #virtualisation #vfio
Ubuntu server 23.04 netplan cloud-init python error #python #netplan #errorhandling #2304 #cloudinit
#python #netplan #errorhandling #cloudinit
The world is upside down, while discussing a weird behavior of an #Azure VM on IRC for a #cloudinit issue, got a some support to the issue; then I took it to the internal development team, one of the folks mentioned “wondering if it’s the same customer as in IRC”.
trouble using system-uuid for specific autoinstall config #cloudinit #uuid #autoinstall
Ubuntu 20.04 Autoinstall, Cloud-Init and Subiquity #2004 #cloudinit #subiquity
Autoinstall storage: not working, Ubuntu does its own thing 20.04 #2004 #cloudinit #autoinstall
Installing packages via autoinstall vs user-data #systeminstallation #2204 #cloudinit #userdata #autoinstall
#systeminstallation #cloudinit #userdata #autoinstall
HELP: Autoinstall on 20.04, cloud-config user-data is not working (sample included) #2004 #cloudinit #autoinstall
20.04 Cloud-init appears to disable ipv4 DHCP on eth0 #raspberrypi #dhcp #cloudinit #ipv4
#raspberrypi #dhcp #cloudinit #ipv4
configuring vm with terraform and cloud-init in an Azure Env #cloudinit #azure
I created a #cloudinit yaml file to setup #sbcl and #nginx as reverse proxy to play around with common #lisp.
cloud-init messages cluttering login screen in Ubuntu Server 22.04 #server #2204 #startup #cloudinit
Cloud-init messages cluttering login screen in Ubuntu Server 22.04 #server #2204 #startup #cloudinit
cloud-init images are minimal. Is there any full server cloud-init image matched what we get with standard Ubuntu ISO installation? #cloudinit
Notes for March 20-26
This is an abridged list of the non-work things I accomplished this week.(...)
#openscad #chatgpt #wakeonlan #mqtt #ai #cloudinit #nodered
Notes for January 30-February 5
This is an abridged list of the non-work things I accomplished during this week.(...)
#openscad #zigbee #piku #cloudinit #3dprinting #macos #hobbies #router #development #notes #cad #vodafone
#openscad #zigbee #piku #cloudinit #3dprinting #macos #hobbies #router #development #notes #cad #vodafone
Notes for January 30-February 5
This is an abridged list of the non-work things I accomplished during this week.(...)
#notes #zigbee #openscad #piku #cad #development #cloudinit #vodafone #hobbies #router #macos #3dprinting
#notes #zigbee #openscad #piku #cad #development #cloudinit #vodafone #hobbies #router #macos #3dprinting