Le #Cloud est vaste: de l'IA, du machine learning expliqués simplement par @wildagsx, aux logiciels pour surveiller et limiter les coûts du ☁️ grâce à l'introduction du Finops @jlandure au @Cloud_Alpes
#CloudAlpes #Cloudproviders #AWS #GCP #Azure #Scaleway #OVHcloud #Exoscale
#exoscale #ovhcloud #scaleway #azure #gcp #aws #cloudproviders #cloudalpes #cloud
When combining procurement with #Cloud☁, things get very complicated... 🤯
Before we launch a new procedure estimated to 550M💶 for #Cloud #IaaS & #PaaS, we want to hear from #CloudProviders.
Fill in the survey and help us improve our procurement👉https://europa.eu/!ywQQDc
#Cloud #iaas #paas #cloudproviders
EU policymakers to nail down agreement on new data-sharing law https://www.euractiv.com/section/data-privacy/news/eu-policymakers-to-nail-down-agreement-on-new-data-sharing-law/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #B2Gdatasharing #cloudproviders #cloudswitching #DataAct
#b2gdatasharing #cloudproviders #cloudswitching #DataAct
eicker.news #technews »'It could #takedown the #internet like a stack of dominos': The #Bidenadministration is embarking on the nation’s first comprehensive plan to #regulate the #securitypractices of #cloudproviders.« https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/10/white-house-cloud-overhaul-00086595
#technews #takedown #internet #bidenadministration #regulate #securitypractices #cloudproviders
its a brutal week for the big 3 #cloudproviders https://news.stanford.edu/2022/12/05/explains-recent-tech-layoffs-worried/
#cloudproviders #layoffs #layoff
IoT Analytics predicts that the public cloud providers market will grow from $157 billion in 2022 to as much a... https://www.infoworld.com/article/3684229/when-will-cloud-computing-stop-growing.html#tk.rss_all #IoTAnalytics #PublicCloud #CloudProviders #CloudServices
#iotanalytics #publiccloud #cloudproviders #cloudservices
IoT Analytics predicts that the public cloud providers market will grow from $157 billion in 2022 to as much as $10 trillion by 2040. The potential growth includes services and add-ons which will likely increase the market size further. https://www.infoworld.com/article/3684229/when-will-cloud-computing-stop-growing.html#tk.rss_all #IoTAnalytics #PublicCloud #CloudProviders #CloudServices
#iotanalytics #publiccloud #cloudproviders #cloudservices