Some more impressions of the today's #cloudseeding #flight.
#cloudseeding #flight #Aviation #specialops #spo #mep #weathermodification
Spraying seawater into the sky to counter ocean temperature spike?.. Long term; integrate into desalination and Thorium Reactors...
#GeoEngineering #CloudSeeding #OceanWarming #GlobalWarming #ClimateEmergency #Desalination #ThoriumReactors #MSR
#geoengineering #cloudseeding #oceanwarming #globalwarming #climateemergency #Desalination #thoriumreactors #MSR
Mexico's Cloud Seeding Ambition Raises Eyebrows ☁️🌧️
Mexico resorts to cloud seeding in a bid to combat drought. But experts voice concerns over its efficacy and potential implications. Dive into the full discussion:
#mexico #cloudseeding #climatecrisis #rapusiablog
Se continuate a fare confusione tra #cloudseeding, #geoingegneria e #sciechimiche qui non si va da nessuna parte però, eh?
#cloudseeding #Geoingegneria #sciechimiche
Certo che oggi i complottisti delle #sciechimiche, insieme coincidenze col #negazionismo della #climateemergency stanno facendo gli straordinari
#alluvioneemiliaromagna #AlluvioneRomagna #alluvione #fakenews #cloudseeding
#sciechimiche #negazionismo #climateemergency #alluvioneemiliaromagna #alluvioneromagna #alluvione #fakenews #cloudseeding
File under, yet more evidence that cloud seeding rarely produces rain.
Or maybe a more nuanced evidence base, which is, if it does work, there were cloud-forming conditions already present, and it was already likely to rain.
Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren’t sure it works
#climate #environmentalscience #science #meteorology #conspiracytheories #rain #drought #cloudseeding
#climate #environmentalscience #science #meteorology #conspiracytheories #rain #drought #cloudseeding
Hellooo People of the Internet!
The latest episode of A Walk Through the Mind is available
Today, I would like to talk about "Weather Modification"
#podcast #ThrutheMind #Weather #ClimateChange #Cloudseeding #ColoradoRiver
#podcast #ThrutheMind #weather #climatechange #cloudseeding #coloradoriver
Kommt im #IPCC Report eigentlich etwas zu #geoengineering vor?
Was mir Sorgen macht, also ueber die tatsaechlichen Berichte hinaus ist das, was im #Podcast #PiratensenderPowerplay am Ende angesprochen wurde und das ist die #Dringlichkeit und #Zeitlichkeit, die auch mit der vorhandenen #Datenbasis wahrscheinlich auch schneller eintreten kann, als das bisher kommuniziert wird und dann Projekte wie #Cloudseeding oder ueberhaupt #WeatherModification dann noch eine unbekannte Variable im System erzeugen, weil wir hier noch weniger aussagekraeftig sind, also was die Auswirkungen angeht.
#weathermodification #cloudseeding #Datenbasis #zeitlichkeit #Dringlichkeit #piratensenderpowerplay #podcast #geoengineering #ipcc
#cloudseeding was banned in Michigan in 2000 effective May 30th 2000.
Printed on Friday, February 17, 2023
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 3 of 2023
MCL Index
Act 246 of 1895 ‑ Repealed-STATE WEATHER SERVICE (295.1 - 295.4)
Act 2 of 1887 ‑ Repealed-STATE WEATHER SERVICE (295.21 - 295.22)
Act 279
Where do you go when you wish to escape yourself? (Page 13) Enjoy! #mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissue #cloudseeding #lisadaily #creativenonfiction #writingcommunity
(Picture of a woman floating through an arched doorway in a white dress. Salmon background)
#mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissue #cloudseeding #lisadaily #CreativeNonfiction #writingcommunity
The US news stations need to tell the US citizens about Cloud seeding. #cloudseeding #cloudseeding results in car accidents and deaths. Costing billions of dollars in damage and snow removal and damage to roads and infrastructure throughout the USA . We spoke with Julie Gondzar who is the program manager for Wyoming’s Weather Modification Program, who admits she gets lots of calls about what they are doing.
#cloudseeding. Educate yourself if your public education did not teach this to you. Costing billions of dollars in damage and snow removal and damage to roads and infrastructure throughout the USA . We spoke with Julie Gondzar who is the program manager for Wyoming’s Weather Modification Program, who admits she gets lots of calls about what they are doing.
Gondzar said some people say “you’re playing God,” others say “you are stealing moisture from the storm,”
This sucks. Australia not doing well.
#Australia #GlobalWarming #Environment #ConspiracyTheories #CloudSeeding #Weather #ClimateChange #TikTok
#TikTok #ClimateChange #Weather #cloudseeding #conspiracytheories #Environment #GlobalWarming #Australia
This is not a legend, there are scientific seminar and conferences about it.
Look at the publications if you dare 🤔
#cloudseeding #weathermodification
#Iran accuses #Israel, #UAE of using #cloudseeding technology to steal rain
#cloudseeding #uae #israel #iran
#Iran accuses #Israel, #UAE of using #cloudseeding technology to steal rain
#cloudseeding #uae #israel #iran
#Iran accuses #Israel, #UAE of using #cloudseeding technology to steal rain
#cloudseeding #uae #israel #iran
#Iran accuses #Israel, #UAE of using #cloudseeding technology to steal rain
#cloudseeding #uae #israel #iran