Optimate in 110 seconds
https://youtu.be/I4j0-qaylW0 #Cloudservice #analysis #optimization #sheetmetal #potentialrecognition #feasibilitycheck #designoptimization #sheetmetalprocessing
#cloudservice #analysis #optimization #sheetmetal #potentialrecognition #feasibilitycheck #designoptimization #sheetmetalprocessing
【カンニング竹山】AWS Skill Builder でDX人材に? https://www.magmoe.com/533961/celebrity/2023-01-31/
#amazon #amazonwebservices #aws #AWSSkillBuilder #AWSトレーニング #Cloud #cloudcomputing #cloudplatform #cloudservice #アマゾン #アマゾンウェブサービス #カンニング竹山 #クラウド #クラウドコンピューティング #クラウドサービス #クラウドプラットフォーム
#クラウドプラットフォーム #クラウドサービス #クラウドコンピューティング #クラウド #カンニング竹山 #アマゾンウェブサービス #アマゾン #cloudservice #cloudplatform #cloudcomputing #cloud #AWSトレーニング #AWSSkillBuilder #aws #amazonwebservices #amazon
EDPB determines privacy recommendations for use of cloud services by public sector & adopts report on Cookie Banner Task Force
Another way of putting it: @dusnm you have correctly shifted the locus of the problem. It's not with people who, using a #CloudService, expect to retain control and ownership
it's with the economic structure that rewards the platform owner at the expense of the people using it and putting all the value into it.
We need to change not the justified expectation of the users, but the unjustified economic structure.
¿Porque no los dos? There is nothing inherent to #CloudService that precludes it be owned by all its users.
These technologies are proven to be powerful and convenient. We can retain that *and* democratise ownership.
We need to dismantle the #ExtractionEconomy business models and make illegal their exploitative selling of our attention and data. Then empower providers to compete on real service to those who should own the system: The people whose lives it affects.
#cloudservice #extractioneconomy
Übrigens, seit vorgestern gibt es vom #BSI den aktualisierten Mindeststandard zur Nutzung externer Cloud-Dienste. Der aktualisierte #Mindeststandard , das #Hilfsdokument, die angepasste #Referenztabelle sowie die Änderungsübersicht stehen ab sofort zur Verfügung. https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Themen/Oeffentliche-Verwaltung/Mindeststandards/Externe_Cloud-Dienste/Externe_Cloud-Dienste_node.html
#Cloud #Cloudservice #saas #iaas
#iaas #saas #cloudservice #cloud #referenztabelle #hilfsdokument #Mindeststandard #bsi
This might be heresy, but I'm surprised #AWS haven't joined in the fray offering some free server farm action just to give the bird the bird..... (other cloud services are available, etc. No affiliate action, just literally talking toot). #cloudservice
SmartDry’s useful laundry sensor to be cloud-bricked next month, because cloud services all die sometime https://gadgeteer.co.za/smartdrys-useful-laundry-sensor-to-be-cloud-bricked-next-month-because-cloud-services-all-die-sometime/
#cloudservice #homeassistant #technology
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/an-introduction-to-the-five-clouds-of-iot
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/an-introduction-to-the-five-clouds-of-iot
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/iotforall/status/1547224341863088130#m
In this article, @golioth_iot poses several questions you can ask yourself before making a #cloudservice decision for your #business. https://www.iotforall.com/an-introduction-to-the-five-clouds-of-iot
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/an-introduction-to-the-five-clouds-of-iot
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/an-introduction-to-the-five-clouds-of-iot
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/iotforall/status/1546187761568317440#m
Are you struggling with choosing between all the different #cloudservice offerings? Let @golioth_iot describe The Five #Clouds of #IoT and how they can help you classify your business needs.
Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported – Today’s Excited Tech Company May Lose Interest Tomorrow
#technology #cloudservice #implants #medical
Dropbox Passes $1M Milestone for Bug-Bounty Payouts - The file-sharing service also disclosed details of past notable bugs for the first time. more: https://threatpost.com/dropbox-1m-milestone-bug-bounty-payouts/152621/ #informationdisclosure #bugbountyprogram #vulnerabilities #documentsharing #cloudsecurity #sharedlinkbug #vulnerability #cloudservice #cssinjection #totalpayouts #websecurity #filesharing #reportcard #bugbounty #$1million #hackerone #zero-day #dropbox
#dropbox #zero #hackerone #bugbounty #reportcard #filesharing #websecurity #totalpayouts #cssinjection #cloudservice #vulnerability #sharedlinkbug #cloudsecurity #documentsharing #vulnerabilities #bugbountyprogram #informationdisclosure
Sonos’s tone-deaf legacy product policy angers customers - Stopping software updates for legacy kit is nothing new, but it's the way the company has done it ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/01/23/sonoss-tone-deaf-legacy-product-policy-angers-customers/ #securitythreats #securityupdates #softwareupdates #legacyhardware #cloudservice #end-of-life #sonos #eol
#eol #sonos #end #cloudservice #legacyhardware #softwareupdates #securityupdates #securitythreats