Kotaku: The Best Games That Let You Kill Robots And AI-Powered Monsters https://kotaku.com/video-game-ai-robots-earthbound-mass-effect-destiny-1850616943 #gaming #tech #kotaku #scienceinpopularculture #ethangachstarwarsjedi #emergingtechnologies #zxspectrumgames #kennethshepard #carolynpetit #hideokojima #clovisbray #ethangach #markii #robot #mecha #robo #borg #zack #ayla
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #scienceinpopularculture #ethangachstarwarsjedi #emergingtechnologies #zxspectrumgames #kennethshepard #carolynpetit #hideokojima #clovisbray #ethangach #markii #robot #mecha #robo #Borg #zack #ayla
"You now face godlike judgement. May it extend eternally."
A homage to artist Tsutomu Nihei's amazing manga Blame! as part of the D2 Art Events spring media zine, featuring Clovis Bray destroying the DSC. It was very fun going back to a grittier, textural style for this. :D
#clovisbray #Destiny2Art #destiny2
Kotaku: 7 Things To Do In Destiny 2 Before Lightfall https://kotaku.com/destiny-2-witch-queen-lightfall-revision-zero-exotics-1850083666 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #firstpersonshooters #destinylorevault #warmindrasputin #windowsgames #kellmithrax #videogaming #clovisbray #videogames #seasonpass #destiny #caiatl #bungie #calus #games #amor
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #firstpersonshooters #destinylorevault #warmindrasputin #windowsgames #kellmithrax #videogaming #clovisbray #videogames #seasonpass #destiny #caiatl #bungie #calus #games #amor