Here’s the first of several posts reviewing the #12BeersOfChristmas mix-pack from #ClownShoesBeer; the brewery had sent me the entire 12-pack to review, and it took me several weeks to get through the entire pack (I had other beers to drink as well!).
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#beerreviews #ChristmasBeer #craftbeer #beer #clownshoesbeer #12beersofchristmas
Happy St. Nicholas Day! Also on this date in 1964 "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" first aired on TV, so today's #BeerAdventCalendar pick is a reindeer-themed beer as a nod to Rudolph, Yukon Cornelius, and the rest: #ClownShoesBeer #Reindeer Games Bavarian #IPA.
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#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #ipa #reindeer #clownshoesbeer #BeerAdventCalendar
This past week, I received the 12 #Beers of #Christmas mix pack from #ClownShoesBeer, which contains 12 holiday beers across a range of styles such as Reindeer Games IPA, One Man Holiday Belgian Quad, and Blaecorn Yuledragon Spiced Imperial Stout.
#ChristmasBeer #craftbeer #beer #clownshoesbeer #christmas #beers
More “12 Days Of…” news from #ClownShoesBeer, with the return of the company’s 12 #Beers of #Christmas mix pack, featuring a variety of styles ranging from pale ale through imperial stout. At least three are released for the first time with this pack.
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#12daysofchristmas #brewery #craftbeer #beer #christmas #beers #clownshoesbeer