Finally, @ChinmayiSharma of @UTexasLaw ended the first session discussing her new paper “towards digital decentralization” and the relationship between an open internet and interoperability.
Luke Herrine of @UALawSchool discusses the revolution in unfair acts and practices authority exercised by the FTC, CFPB, state AGs, and (unknown to me) various federal agencies. Super interesting paper thinking about a muscular unfairness authority. Tons of overlap! #CLSC23 #CLSC
Happily, I’m on my way to the airport. I’m thrilled to be headed to Berkeley to get feedback on my new paper with Raphael Charron Chenier and Jevay Grooms on racial disparities arising from our facially race neutral bankruptcy code. #CLSC23 @jevaygrooms
I'm honored that my paper (with Raph and Jevay) will be featured at this year's consumer law scholars conference.
#CLSC23 #bankruptcy #race