US CMA or Certified Management Accountant is a prestigious qualification offered by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) USA. The US CMA is a globally recognized qualification that enables you to demonstrate your ability to lead and manage company finances.
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Last updated 2 years ago

CMA is a professional course offered by Bradford Learning Global, which was set up with the objective of promoting and regulating the Cost and Management Accountancy profession. CMA or Cost and Management Accounting is a certificate course providing CMA designation to the qualifiers. The designation is a gateway to a lucrative career in business accounting.
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Last updated 2 years ago

Bradford Learning Global is a Silver Approved CMA Course Provider of IMA in the UAE. CMA Courses are globally recognized, advanced-level credential appropriate for accountants, and financial professionals in the business. If you are also curious to learn more about the course, visit

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Last updated 2 years ago