Just starting the final review meeting for IS-ENES3 (https://is.enes.org/) - the final EC funded I3 infrastructure project for #enes. We have supported a lot of #climate modelling, including #cmip5 and #cmip6, and are preparing for #cmip7.
While it is the last of this type of funding (more than a decade of EC support), we plan to maintain an element of coordination of activities via a new “ENES club” - and use a range of grant funding for specific activities.
You will hear more from ENES!
#enes #climate #cmip5 #cmip6 #cmip7
☯️ #zen3geo v0.6.0. Scale to new heights if you dare. Open 📂 STAC Assets backed by Zarr, NetCDF or CloudOptimizedGeoTIFF files using the new XpySTACAssetReader DataPipe. Attempt super-resolution 🔭 with the walkthrough on handling multi-resolution CMIP6 climate data from CarbonPlan over the Philippines 🇵🇭 at https://zen3geo.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.0/multi-resolution.html. Clarity, seek it, give it 🥽
@zarr #STAC #NetCDF #CloudOptimizedGeoTIFF #xarray @pytorch #DataPipe #SuperResoluton #MultiResolution #CarbonPlan #CMIP6 #ClimateModel
#zen3geo #STAC #netcdf #cloudoptimizedgeotiff #xarray #DataPipe #superresoluton #multiresolution #carbonplan #cmip6 #ClimateModel
#PaperOfTheWeek w12 was going to be Notz (2012) 's review on sea ice in Earth System #models, state of the art when the #CMIP6 ones ran, but I see that it is not #OpenAccess
A more than 10 year paper. It should not surprise me because it's #Wiley, but still...
So, too bad. See you next week instead :)
#wiley #openaccess #cmip6 #models #paperoftheweek
#PaperOfTheWeek w4 on #EmergentConstraints (EC) applied to #Precipitation.
EC = find two parameters A and B that are correlated; A can be represented by climate models; B cannot but you want to predict its future.
Ferguglia et al. (2023) found that for #precipitation, most EC found for #CMIP5 no longer work for #CMIP6, probably because the model spread is reduced and/or relationship between A and B was not that well understood, a pre-requisite for the method to work.
#cmip6 #cmip5 #precipitation #emergentconstraints #paperoftheweek
I’m sitting in a CMIP task team considering what we should do for CMIP7: we will be threading the needle between what modellers will actually do (creating information) and what users (using information) need or want to know.
Together with my brilliant co-authors I’ve published a paper in Journal of Climate (https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0468.1) last month. It’s about the historical #oceanheatuptake in two pairs of #CMIP6 models analysed from global and regional perspectives. Ocean heat uptake is a powerful metric to track the ongoing global heating (from the 20th onwards). Intriguingly we find substantial differences across the four #Earthsystem/ #climate models, with one reason being human-made #aerosol #emissions.
#oceanheatuptake #cmip6 #earthsystem #climate #aerosol #emissions
Having looked at DCPP, I’ve been looking at other #cmip6 MIPS.
ScenarioMIP (O’Neill et al 2016, https://view.es-doc.org/index.html?renderMethod=id&project=cmip6&id=946932cc-6e96-4a9d-8c31-c5b09aa988c5&version=1, and https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/3461/2016/) resulted in just under 220,000 simualted years, with 80,000 of those done in Europe):
rcp26-cmip5 949
rcp45-cmip5 949
rcp85-cmip5 949
ssp119 21759
ssp126 45637
ssp245 50086
ssp370 30452
ssp434 6787
ssp460 6957
ssp534-over 12694
ssp585 41758
#cmip6 #ClimateModelling #simulation
I'm looking for a high level #CMIP6 explorer/viewer. Does any #Climate people have a gem to share?
I know this one: https://interactive-atlas.ipcc.ch/
@navue_ggi The models I work with are mainly UKESM (https://ukesm.ac.uk) and its ocean component NEMO. Complex and comprehensive hydrodynamical and chemical simulations of the Earth System, as they are used for #cmip6 and the #ipcc reports for instance.