😶IBM ha sviluppato un prototipo di chip "simile a un cervello" che potrebbe portare a semiconduttori per intelligenza artificiale (AI) che consumano meno energia.
#ai #Chip #cmos #intelligenza #news #tecnologia
oh my god.
'#Commas and #Periods with #QuotationMarks': A History Lesson and Explanation of the Conflict between Countries [subhead my addition]
#commas #periods #quotationmarks #amediting #editingcommunity #cmos #chicagomanualofstyle
Op-Amp Challenge: MOSFETs Make This Discrete Op Amp Tick https://hackaday.com/2023/05/20/op-amp-challenge-mosfets-make-this-discrete-op-amp-tick/ #Operationalamplifier #OpAmpChallenge #contests #mosfet #op-amp #Parts #cmos
#operationalamplifier #opampchallenge #contests #mosfet #op #Parts #cmos
Op-Amp Challenge: MOSFETs Make This Discrete Op Amp Tick - When it comes to our analog designs, op-amps tend to be just another jellybean par... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/20/op-amp-challenge-mosfets-make-this-discrete-op-amp-tick/ #operationalamplifier #opampchallenge #contests #mosfet #op-amp #parts #cmos
#cmos #parts #op #mosfet #contests #opampchallenge #operationalamplifier
In trying to get back into literary analysis, I keep forgetting to refer to story elements---ie, the plot---in the present tense. I keep using the past tense. I'm a plebe. Or maybe just trying to relearn some stuff I've long since forgotten. I do the same thing when talking about movies sometimes. The present tense used in these situations is in the Chicago Manual somewhere but I don't have time to cite the rule. Too busy stumbling through an analysis.
#cmos #writing #literature #editing
In a recently published paper, researchers compared #CMOS, #CCD and #EM-CCD camera technology to investigate which is providing the best sensitivity and accuracy and ultimately the best detection limit for #RemoteSensing applications such as DOAS or FTIR. Learn more: https://ilphotonics.com/paper-compares-cmos-ccd-and-em-ccd-camera-technologies/
Fascinating stuff as usual from Chicago Manual of Style.
Samples of questions answered:
• What’s the difference between “press” and “push” in the context of computers?
• Should the word “that” be capitalized in titles?
• Why isn’t the Bible italicized like other book titles?
Questions and Answers, #CMoS April 2023 edition
Have at it, #editor friends!
#cmos #editor #amediting #chicagomanualofstyle
I keep the CMOS hyphenation table open on my right-hand portrait monitor. Right now, I'm looking at the entry for "mid" because reasons. #AmEditing #CMOS
My friend asked if i could make him a kill-switch, so i drew this. a digitally controlled three-channel mute/anti-mute. posting here just because.. any glaringly obvious mistakes? i hope not... #electronics #schematic #circuitdraft #CMOS #logic
#logic #cmos #circuitdraft #schematic #electronics
RT @CarolinaMarie_V
But you need to plan to spend money to support your #freelanceediting business on things like: computer upgrades, software upgrades, the tools you use, functional and comfortable workspaces, subscriptions like #CMOS, professional memberships, website, marketing.
#acesevolve #cmos #freelanceediting
And another thing . . .
Dear #Unicode Consortium, OS vendors, and #WordProcessor developers.
Fix the #ellipsis situation. #AP styling demands ... (three dots in a row) and #Chicago (#CMOS) . . . (three dots spaced out, but still a single character). Most narrative writers (fiction, memoir, etc.) standardize on Chicago styling.
A character exists to support the AP styled ellipsis. But for Chicago we have to type [dot] [non-breaking space] [dot] [non-breaking space] [dot]. This. Sucks. FIX IT!
#cmos #chicago #ap #ellipsis #wordprocessor #unicode
The blog post “Infra-Red, In Situ (IRIS) Inspection of Silicon” describes how one can inspect Wafer Level Chip Scale Packages (WLCSPs) in-situ at a low cost.
#hardware #silicon #itsecurity #cmos
The Masto-ASIC-nerds!
What are the step to print its own ASIC chip? Do we have to provide a file in a specific format? What are the specific masks to provide? Or only the VeriLog files? Anything else to provide?
And, also, is it expensive? What kind of prices, for simple circuit, do we have to print, for testing purpose? And with what kind of quantity?
I already know how to design a CMOS circuit, I just want to print one, just to discover. In my case, the chip will be used to forward digital signals in a high frequency 😄
#asic #chip #diy #foundry #cmos #vlsi
This looks like a cool sample for kpfm demo measurements
RT @HCorteLeo
#fridayAFM Héctor here, your AFM expert at @NanosurfAFM Calling out for people to share their Friday afternoon experiments. Does this count as Industrial archaeology? @SocIndustArch #IndustrialArcheology #CMOS #AFM #webcam
#webcam #afm #cmos #industrialarcheology #fridayafm
Half-price Chicago Manual of Style offer for Valentine's Day: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/C/bo25956703.html and use promo code XOCMOS to save $35. T&Cs: Offer valid for individual customers only—no bookstores or libraries. Code must be used on our site, press.uchicago.edu. Limit 5 copies per customer. Shipping fees additional. Offer ends at midnight CST on 2/14/23.
#editing #chicago #cmos
@Hi_Names_Nat eventually you go deeper .. bare metal embedded. Then you are free. #cmos
I accidentally hit the camera button on my phone while moving it out of the way, which reveals how I spend much of my day while working. #freelancer #editing #cmos
In cooperation with the Institute of Agrosphere @fzj , we are offering a PhD Position with the topic "Development of a stationary 3D tomography measurement system for high-resolution surveying of soils using georadar"
Interested? More information:
#phd #phdposition #research #3d #tomography #science #forschung #jülich #wissenschaft #cmos #icdesign #engineering #physics #circuit #matlab #joboffer
#phd #phdPosition #research #3d #tomography #science #forschung #julich #wissenschaft #cmos #icdesign #engineering #physics #circuit #matlab #joboffer
Psst. Writers. Did you know that The Chicago Manual of Style has online resources even for nonsubscribers?
The CMOS Shop Talk blog is full of helpful information for authors of fiction and nonfiction alike: https://cmosshoptalk.com/
Their monthly Q&A is also free: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/latest.html
And if you're a nonfiction author who needs to use CMOS's citation format? Check out their Citation Quick Guide: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html.
#cmos #amediting #writingcommunity
全靠 iPhone 14 系列熱賣 Sony 逆市錄得盈利增長
全球智能電話的出貨量在 2022 年下跌了接近 11%,而多鏡頭相機的趨勢則較之前減退,導致用於智能電話的 CMOS 感光元件出貨量亦受到影響。根據市場調查機構 Counterpoint 的 2022 年度的最新報告,全球智能電話感光元件出貨量,較 2021 年下跌達 15%,幾乎所有主要供應商都受到不同程度的牽連。The post 全靠 iPhone 14 系列熱賣 Sony 逆市錄得盈利增長 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#手提電話 #Apple #CMOS #iPhone 14 Pro