Sending more material to the vast electronic necropolis of contemporary
No theme, No poll, No Talking.
Just music, we survived another week of remote working, let's come together and enjoy the sounds emitting from #Voorburg.
Tomorrow starting an hour later at 21:00 CET, tune in
and let you own voice be heard in our chat/xmpp hangout
#icecast2 #stream #audio #records #cmos4040 #genres #vynil #polyrithmic #earlyelectronic #italos #discos #locos
#locos #discos #italos #earlyelectronic #polyrithmic #vynil #genres #cmos4040 #records #audio #stream #icecast2 #Voorburg
Dear losers of the radio genre poll,
I understand what its like to be the eternal runner up but let's unite tonight in our love for the unknown.
Tapes bought over the years during events. Records that were found in the back of thrift stores, markets and dusty attics.
Tune in tonight and you might find a track to be on the tip of ones tongue.
For this show, I will write an occasional message about a song in our chat/xmpp hangout
Tonight 20:00 CET, the standard time.
#icecast2 #stream #audio #records #cmos4040 #genres #bizarro #vinyl #unknown
#unknown #vinyl #bizarro #genres #cmos4040 #records #audio #stream #icecast2
I have been streaming every Friday night on and will probably keep doing this for as long as I have records and the time to pick and play them.
Its a comfy little stream with a few listeners, knowing who listens and what they enjoy makes picking songs more direct.
#icecast2 #stream #audio #records #cmos4040 #genres #electro #bizarro #vinyl #mp3
Since I have never ran a successful poll on here, I will try again.
Next Friday the Theme of the stream should be:
#mp3 #vinyl #bizarro #electro #genres #cmos4040 #records #audio #stream #icecast2
After last weeks 7" fueled disco rampage, we calm down this week and acquire a taste for longer tracks and mind enveloping melodies.
Tune in tonight 20:00 CEST to
for some space exploring 🌌 🔭 ☄️
sounds and signals.
Safe from metadata, all from vinyl in various formats.
Come lurk with us while we broadcast, no account required
#icecast2 #stream #audio #records #cmos4040
#cmos4040 #records #audio #stream #icecast2