#NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents Road to Destruction 2023, Day 3 (September 10th Yuji Nagata produce Blue Justice XIII Chiba) #njdest on #NJPWWorld (subscription required): https://njpwworld.com/p/s_00660_5_1
#Poisonrana Podcast — 9/10/2023 | #AEWAllIn/#AEWAllOut, #CMPunk Fired, #Gunther vs #ChadGable: https://www.youtube.com/live/UX9i2WbF5_I?si=jMk6ixDSqZEKvetb
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#chadgable #Gunther #cmpunk #aewallin #poisonrana #njpwworld #njdest #njpw #prowrestling #newjapan
#BustedOpen Podcast — #WWE Acknowledging #LAKnight: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/wwe-acknowledging-la-knight
#OhYouDidntKnow Podcast with #RoadDogg #BrianJames and #CasioKid (Ask Dogg Anything For September 2023!): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vUEhMODMxMjk5ODA0Ng/episode/YWM3ZDg3NDAtNGQxYy0xMWVlLTk1MDctY2ZhZTAxOGQyMWYy?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwiw-byo956BAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
#83Weeks Podcast #286 with #EricBischoff and #ConradThompson (The #AEW Release of #CMPunk): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vODMtd2Vla3M/episode/ZmFhZGJmOTQtN2IyMC0xMWVkLWE1N2UtOGZjMTNhMGI1OGUx?sa=X&ved=0CAQQkfYCahcKEwiAj6La956BAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
#MeidasTouch Network News & Opinion — #LegalAF Podcast - Saturday Edition: https://www.youtube.com/live/SAAqypMV6uI?si=ePnHrFk6hOTW2sHW
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#legalaf #MeidasTouch #cmpunk #aew #conradthompson #ericbischoff #83weeks #casiokid #BrianJames #roaddogg #ohyoudidntknow #laknight #wwe #bustedopen
#NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents Road to Destruction 2023, Day 1 (September 8th Tokyo) #njdest on #NJPWWorld (FREE, subscription not required YET): https://njpwworld.com/p/s_00660_2_1
#POSTWrestling Podcast — POST x #Wrestlenomics - #CMPunk Fired, #AEWAllOut & #WWEPayback + Open Topics: https://www.youtube.com/live/VWx3_LsDXmc?si=_IefzvY_8nuTESGZ
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents — WWT News - 9.8.23
(#Natalya Pulls Double Duty): https://www.youtube.com/live/zvPPbpysLmo?si=o5yNug_x-dsRV1MB
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#natalya #womenswrestling #WWEPayback #AEWAllOut #cmpunk #wrestlenomics #postwrestling #njpwworld #njdest #njpw #prowrestling #newjapan
#PublicEnemies #Wrestling Podcast — #AEWDynamite - #MJF/#SamoaJoe Face Off, #SwerveStrickland & #HangmanPage + #CMPunk to #WWE?, #Gunther Makes History: https://www.youtube.com/live/yxq3Bo0Lcb8?si=SI1B_RPynNc1HnSk
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #AEW Dynamite 9/6/23 Review | REWIND-A-DYNAMITE: https://www.youtube.com/live/LYr3JPeVsvY?si=yxsF0s7JPMN5QZQY
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (9.6.23) — #AEWDynamite Review, #AEWCollision Ratings: https://www.youtube.com/live/T-GSgxFGOV4?si=3DJhVwu0xq78RzBY
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#aewcollision #wrestlinginc #aew #postwrestling #Gunther #wwe #cmpunk #hangmanpage #swervestrickland #mjf #aewdynamite #wrestling #publicenemies
#Snakepit Podcast #40 with #JakeRoberts and #ConradThompson (Ask Jake Anything 11): https://youtu.be/IbrKHdn2Gp0?si=XwLZ5jsZvhmGKIcM
#KliqThis Podcast #61 with #KevinNash and #SeanOliver - #CMPunk's BRAWL-IN: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9kY2FzdG9uZS5jb20vcG9kY2FzdD9jYXRlZ29yeUlEMj0yMjg3/episode/MzNmMmM2MjItNDllNC0xMWVlLTg0ZmQtYmI0ODA4MGYyZjE0?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjghc2aqJeBAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
#MyWorld Podcast #122 with #JeffJarrett and #ConradThompson - #CMPunk and #DennisRodman: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vV1dPNTMzMDc0MTMwNw/episode/MWM5ZDJjYzYtNGI5YS0xMWVlLWFkMmEtNDNlZTU4YzdjZjRk?sa=X&ved=0CAQQkfYCahcKEwjQpb2hqJeBAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
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#dennisrodman #jeffjarrett #MyWorld #cmpunk #seanoliver #kevinnash #kliqthis #conradthompson #jakeroberts #snakepit
#CoastalChampionship #Wrestling (#CCW) presents #CCWAlive #1.154: https://youtu.be/iQpAfSW103Y?si=NpGFNe0NXfX9nTcG
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) — #BeingTheElite #361: https://youtu.be/nesMg8g_aNo?si=k5TdC3QrgBKXYX2Z
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWERaw 9/4/23 Review | REWIND-A-RAW: https://www.youtube.com/live/deAwn_s_jpQ?si=dK6_GWxaivvyuVp9
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (9.4.23) — #WWERaw Review, #CMPunk, More: https://www.youtube.com/live/vjm7wRxwrng?si=S8eTmTMdr26rkQnz
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#cmpunk #wrestlinginc #WWERaw #postwrestling #beingtheelite #aew #allelitewrestling #ccwalive #ccw #wrestling #coastalchampionship
#BustedOpen Podcast —
a. EMERGENCY REACTION - #CMPunk Fired: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/emergency-reaction-cm-punk-fired
b. #CMPunk, #WWEPayback & #AEWAllOut Reviewed: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/punk-payback-all-out-reviewed
#MeidasTouch Network News & Opinion — Meidas Monday Updates: https://www.youtube.com/live/bdIEYQXL954?si=FHW1-FoVTL9X6nkK
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#MeidasTouch #AEWAllOut #WWEPayback #cmpunk #bustedopen
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllOut 2023 PPV Event —
a. Non-U.S. vis #FITETV (not included with FITE+ subscription): https://www.fite.tv/watch/aew-all-out-2023/2pdf6/
b. U.S. Only via #BleacherReport: https://bleacherreport.com/post/aew-ppv-hero/fff56ddc-7e33-4aa2-bc03-8f3541f53e98
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllOut 2023 — Post Show Media Scrum | 9.3.2023, Chicago, IL: https://www.youtube.com/live/WjctCa9iXks?si=-ETXdNRXW2u1rwfo
#Wrestlenomics Radio — #CMPunk fired by #AEW ahead of #AEWAllOut: https://www.youtube.com/live/0z9HOP9tlj4?si=wGhcv6AbecQmW1EZ
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#cmpunk #wrestlenomics #bleacherreport #fitetv #AEWAllOut #aew #allelitewrestling
#WWE & #WWETheBump present the 2023 #WWEPayback Rundown | Sept. 3, 2023: https://youtu.be/q33YAtVMQw0?si=8Vdr5pQVM63mO4WW
#PublicEnemies #Wrestling Podcast — #WWEPayback 2023 Post Show + #AEW Releases #CMPunk, #TonyKhan Comments: https://www.youtube.com/live/-5fYuei4Znw?si=oODXxz3WA6cDvSgc
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWEPayback 2023 Review; #CMPunk Fired Reaction w/ #Wrestlenomics: https://www.youtube.com/live/UFt6YgkTHgg?si=3B-qK3NnfqZ_rMKu
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents — AND NEW!!! #WWEPayback Post-Show | 9.2.23: https://www.youtube.com/live/q_1in7t03h8?si=K4YhFInUHAu3BJ5Q
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#womenswrestling #wrestlenomics #postwrestling #tonykhan #cmpunk #aew #wrestling #publicenemies #WWEPayback #wwethebump #wwe
I think the general perception of #CMPunk from both within and without the wrestling industry will make it very hard for him to land a big money deal with the big promotions.
At best, he might be signed by #Impact or #NWA, but I really don't see either #WWE or #NJPW hiring him.
#cmpunk #impact #nwa #wwe #njpw #aew #wrestling
So if you haven't heard, #AEW just fired #CMPunk following an investigation into his altercation with #JackPerry and others last week at #AllIn
This is the highest profile firing in #ProWrestling #Wrestling in the past 20 years. #AllEliteWrestling
#aew #cmpunk #jackperry #allin #prowrestling #wrestling #allelitewrestling
🎵 Look in my eeeeeyyyeeees
What do you seeeeee?
Compulsory redundancy 🎵
#prowrestling #wrestling #aew #cmpunk
Apparently the rumour is that #CMPunk lunged at Tony Khan backstage. If that's true then the firing is completely justified. I've had plenty of bosses I wanted to take a swing at but you just can't, simple as that. #aew #aewcollision
The #CMPunk drama has been dragging #AEW down but it’s sad that it’s come to this, especially since he had the makings of a good ‘Bret in ‘97’ thing going, he was in better ring shape and seemed motivated. He also seems like a person with his heart in the right place but a temperamental baby when it comes to navigating the business behind the curtain
CM Punk gone from AEW. He really doesn't like making friends in the wrestling business, does he?
AEW have let CM Punk go, even with a statement. Jeez louise, I wasn't expecting that when I opened up wrestling news!
Weird to think I was at this show and had no idea something this big was going on behind the curtain.
#AEW on birdside
Statement from All Elite Wrestling and Tony Khan
#cmpunk #womenswrestling #prowrestling #wrestling #aew