Impulse Buying a 3040 CNC Machine, What Could Go Wrong? - [joekutz] made an impulse purchase of a CNC machine. It was a 3040 CNC that looked... - #repairhacks #bentshafts #cnchacks #restore #repair #router #cnc
#cnc #router #repair #restore #cnchacks #bentshafts #repairhacks
Throw FreeCAD Some Curves - [Mango Jelly] got a question from someone trying to model a phone box with a compl... - #wireframe #cnchacks #freecad #cad
#cad #freecad #cnchacks #wireframe
GrblHAL CNC Controller Based on RP2040 Pico - [Phil Barrett] designed a new CNC controller breakout board called the PicoCNC whi... - #microcontrollers #cnchacks #grblhal #rp2040 #grbl #cnc
#cnc #grbl #rp2040 #grblhal #cnchacks #microcontrollers
Adding Two Axes Makes CNC Router More Than the Sum of Its Parts - The problem with building automated systems is that it’s hard to look at any probl... - #herringbone #automation #production #cnchacks #bearing #spindle #5-axis #router #pitch #cnc #rol
#rol #cnc #pitch #router #spindle #bearing #cnchacks #production #automation #herringbone
Spindle Upgrade Makes PocketNC Faster and Smoother - Conventional wisdom says that rigidity is the name of the game when it comes to ma... - #feedsandspeeds #cnchacks #pocketnc #chatter #spindle #5-axis #collet #er-11 #bldc #cnc #esc
#esc #cnc #bldc #er #collet #spindle #chatter #pocketnc #cnchacks #feedsandspeeds
Mat Boards Are Spendy, So DIY CNC Tool To The Rescue - Mats are flat pieces of paper-based material that fill the space between a frame a... - #matcutting #3dprinted #cnchacks #matboard #cnctool #art #diy
#diy #art #cnctool #matboard #cnchacks #3dprinted #matcutting
Learn How Impossibly Close-fitting Parts Are Actually Made - Most of us have seen those demonstrations of metal parts that mate together so fin... - #metalworking #precision #cnchacks #wireedm
#wireedm #cnchacks #precision #metalworking
Learn How Impossibly Close-fitting Parts Are Actually Made #metalworking #precision #cnchacks #wireEDM
#metalworking #precision #cnchacks #wireedm
This $12 CNC Rotary Axis Will Make Your Head Spin #g-codepost-processing #AutodeskFusion360 #rotaryaxismill #CNCrotaryaxis #steppermotor #boardgames #CNCmachine #tailstock #cnchacks #3dprint #blender #CNCmill #g-code #chess #cnc
#g #autodeskfusion360 #rotaryaxismill #cncrotaryaxis #steppermotor #boardgames #cncmachine #tailstock #cnchacks #3dprint #blender #cncmill #chess #cnc
CNC Feeds and Speeds, Explained as a First-Timer - If you’ve ever looked into CNC cutting tools, you’ve probably heard the term “feed... - #cnchacks #cutting #novice #speeds #feeds #cnc
#cnc #feeds #speeds #novice #cutting #cnchacks
The $50 Pen Plotter #penplotter #TechHacks #cnchacks #arduino #lowcost #CoreXY #grbl
#penplotter #TechHacks #cnchacks #arduino #lowcost #corexy #grbl
The $50 Pen Plotter - [Arca] sets out to build himself a low-cost pen plotter that doesn’t require acces... - #penplotter #techhacks #cnchacks #arduino #lowcost #corexy #grbl
#grbl #corexy #lowcost #arduino #cnchacks #techhacks #penplotter
Powercore Aims to Bring the Power of EDM to Any 3D Printer #electricdischargemachining #subtractivemanufacturing #desktopmanufacturing #3dprinter #machining #cnchacks #plasma #arc #cnc #EDM
#electricdischargemachining #subtractivemanufacturing #desktopmanufacturing #3dprinter #machining #cnchacks #plasma #arc #cnc #edm
Powercore Aims to Bring the Power of EDM to Any 3D Printer - The desktop manufacturing revolution has been incredible, unleashing powerful tech... - #electricdischargemachining #subtractivemanufacturing #desktopmanufacturing #3dprinter #machining #cnchacks #plasma #arc #cnc #edm
#edm #cnc #arc #plasma #cnchacks #machining #3dprinter #desktopmanufacturing #subtractivemanufacturing #electricdischargemachining
Have come to the conclusion that the only cost effective way to have a fancy control pendant to work with Linuxcnc the way I want is to roll my own. Got the parts coming to do so based on an ESP32. Until then the quick and dirty solution is a cheap USB number pad remapped to the most common Linuxcnc shortcuts. Actually works surprisingly well, jogs, rapid moves, homes, spindle on/off, tool touch off, e-stop, machine power, pause, resume all for under @20. #cnc #cnchacks #linuxcnc #maker
#maker #linuxcnc #cnchacks #cnc
Will Carmakers Switch Clay for Computers? #3dPrinterhacks #claymodeling #cardesign #carhacks #cnchacks #cad
#3dPrinterhacks #claymodeling #cardesign #carhacks #cnchacks #cad
Will Carmakers Switch Clay for Computers? - The 3D printing revolution has transformed a lot of industries, but according to [... - #3dprinterhacks #claymodeling #cardesign #carhacks #cnchacks #cad
#cad #cnchacks #carhacks #cardesign #claymodeling #3dprinterhacks
3 Ways to DIY Custom CNC Dust Covers #dustshield #dustcover #cnchacks #bellows #how-to
#dustshield #dustcover #cnchacks #bellows #how
3 Ways to DIY Custom CNC Dust Covers - Home shop machinists know dust shields are important for keeping swarf out of expe... - #dustshield #dustcover #cnchacks #bellows #how-to
#how #bellows #cnchacks #dustcover #dustshield