stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
322 followers · 1731 posts · Server

@beeb @glindsey @po3mah

Do you mean you use the line itself? Interesting...

But if you want to use it as a filament, you need to dry it properly. did a video on it.


#cnckitchen #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
295 followers · 1580 posts · Server


The strength is also dependent on your gemoetry. Of course plastic isn't as strong as metal, but do you really need that strength?

Sometimes metal seems very strong, but plastic will also work, the metal is a lot stronger than what you actually need.

Then we also have some tricks in the 3D printing world, we manipulate our gemoetries. We print in different orientations and use different temperature settings. Here are some good videos on the topic:

Al these videos are made by , a great creator that does many experiments.


#cnckitchen #YouTube #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

Christian · @mephisztoe
36 followers · 84 posts · Server

Stefan von hat vor kurzem ein neues Video zum Thema im Bereich gepostet. Ich wusste nun aber nicht, ob ich mir nun die Zeit dafür nehmen sollte und wie sehr es mich interessiert. Also habe ich mir in YouTube das Transkript anzeigen lassen und es bei eingefügt - ergänzt um folgenden Prompt: "Please explain the algorithm described in the following transcript.".

Die Antwort:
"The ArcOverhang algorithm is a method for 3D printing horizontal surfaces without the need for support structures. The algorithm extrudes self-supporting arcs next to each other that grow from a base and create a crystal-like structure. The arcs start at one point, grow out until they reach a limit, and can even branch out in different directions until the whole layer is filled. This method allows for the creation of large overhangs without the material drooping down."

Das klang interessant genug, also habe ich mir das Video dann tatsächlich angeschaut.

Und dann fiel mir auf: Diese Möglichkeit (YouTube > Transcript > ChatGPT Summary) ist wie ein für Videos.



#cnckitchen #arcoverhang #3dprinting #chatgpt #tldr #tldw

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes :verified_paw: · @jkbecker
759 followers · 1064 posts · Server

@eljefedsecurit @Medus4 I haven’t messed with the slicing part yet but followed it from the sidelines. Stefan from just nerd-sniped me ( by providing a pre-sliced file for mini and challenged people to test it out. Well, my printer happens to be a Prusa mini, so… 😏

Hm I should probably tag @jozefprusa on all of these! Because it’s awesome.

#cnckitchen #gcode #prusa

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
1661 followers · 238595 posts · Server

The Best Threaded Holes For Resin Parts - Threaded inserts are great for melting into FDM prints with a soldering iron. The ... -

#cnckitchen #resinprinting #3dprinterhacks #threadedinserts

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
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