I attended the #CNI22f meeting last week, and it looks like they've posted both plenary sessions to YouTube:
Clifford Lynch's opening plenary: https://youtu.be/c6zVxUlvUxM
Paul Courant's closing plenary: https://youtu.be/mCmJFw5XF6M
#highered #libraries #IT #digitalscholarship #EDUCAUSE #data
#cni22f #highered #libraries #it #digitalscholarship #educause #data
RT @mart1nkle1n@twitter.com
Summary of incredible efforts! Thanks for sharing, @quinnanya@twitter.com & @ibnesayeed@twitter.com #cni22f
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mart1nkle1n/status/1602738254062784513
RT @ashleyrjester@twitter.com
Thinking of @aj_boston@twitter.com & the missing focus on equity in OA; talk about the TA you signed, talk about its value for YOUR researchers but please don’t say you’re advancing open science without acknowledging that you are also expanding the gap between the haves & have-nots #CNI22f
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ashleyrjester/status/1602698467612233731
@bohyunkim Julia's talk could be boiled down to "curation/RDM makes migrations easier" and she's 100% right IMHO #CNI22f
“Object-related technical debt” is a term that I didn’t know I was missing until today! #cni22f
#CNI22f the funder updates panel was mildly interesting, none of them addressed why 9/10 they don't accept proposals for maintenance work
I'm at #cni22f today and tomorrow. It's the first time I've attended since the before times, and I'd forgotten how many amazing colleagues from across my research and administrative lives I always run into here!
CNI is different from many other conferences b/c the info should be taken back to inform a 5-year strategic plan rather than be taken back and applied right away. #cni22f
The CNI Fall 2022 member meeting kicks off today in Washington, DC. The official hashtag appears to be #CNI22f. I'm not yet seeing anyone here using it, but some are currently live-tweeting Clifford Lynch's opening remarks on the tweeting site. Full program listing, including project briefing abstracts, here: https://www.cni.org/events/membership-meetings/upcoming-meeting/fall-2022/plenary-sessions-f22