CNN is still an undercover Right wing media outlet. The Left is still fuming @CNN for platforming Trump and his blatant lies during softball town hall interview where he was able to spread his nation destroying lies to even more people.
#AndersonCooper is a fake journalist. So are #JakeTapper, #WolfBlitzer, #JimSciutto, and #KaitlinCollins as well.
#BoycottCNN @AC360 @andersoncooper @jaketapper @wolfblitzer @jimsciutto @kaitlancollins
What about you #JimAcosta @Acosta Are you a real journalist? #CNNisfakeNEWS
#andersoncooper #jaketapper #wolfblitzer #jimsciutto #kaitlincollins #boycottcnn #jimacosta #cnnisfakenews
Video: CNN Shocked To Find Wyoming Voters Can’t Stand RINO Liz Cheney 🤣🤣🤣
https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-cnn-shocked-to-find-wyoming-voters-cant-stand-rino-liz-cheney/ #CNNisFakeNews
Video: CNN Shocked To Find Wyoming Voters Can’t Stand RINO Liz Cheney 🤣🤣🤣
https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-cnn-shocked-to-find-wyoming-voters-cant-stand-rino-liz-cheney/ #CNNisFakeNews
CNN Caught Lying About #AlexJones While Covering For Drug Dealers https://battleplan.news/watch?id=62b23d288e147f37e2a5f299 #CNNisFakeNews
CNN Caught Lying About #AlexJones While Covering For Drug Dealers https://battleplan.news/watch?id=62b23d288e147f37e2a5f299 #CNNisFakeNews
FAIL: CNN+ 400 Million Dollar Launch Leads To Less Than 10,000 Views Per Week!!!
https://battleplan.news/watch?id=6257571361a6457ad1892d9e #AlexJonesShow #Infowars #CNNisFakeNews
#cnnisfakenews #infowars #alexjonesshow
FAIL: CNN+ 400 Million Dollar Launch Leads To Less Than 10,000 Views Per Week!!!
https://battleplan.news/watch?id=6257571361a6457ad1892d9e #AlexJonesShow #Infowars #CNNisFakeNews
#cnnisfakenews #infowars #alexjonesshow
CNN Outraged At College Football Fans Having Fun
https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=613953106e737e15017c27b0 #CNNisFAKEnews
VIDEO: Jim Acosta Says the American People are the Enemy
https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=61369d7e3db7470ce83f88ee #msmLIES #CNNisFAKEnews
Even Shillary shook Chumps hand after the debate.
@EWarren@twitter.com didn't shake Bernie's outstretched hand.
30 years ago she was a Republican, which no one mentioned during #DemDebate. #CNNIsFakeNews
#NeverWarren #LyinLiz #ITrustBernie #ITrustNotMeUs
#WomenForBernie 🔥💯
#womenforbernie #ITrustNotMeUs #itrustbernie #lyinliz #neverwarren #CNNisGarbage #cnnisfakenews #demdebate