Views from Maui. Also a link to help people find their missing people.
I've heard from people on the ground, many hundreds are deceased. Possibly over a thousand missing.
Maui needs a mobile morgue NOW.
Many dead bodies need proper storage.
Please boost.
#JointBasePHH #thejointstaff
#USPacificFleet #SecDef #COMPACFLT #Hickam #potus #15thAirBaseWing #CNO #PearlHarbor #Hawaii #KanielaIng
#lahina #maui #jointbasephh #thejointstaff #uspacificfleet #secdef #compacflt #hickam #potus #15thairbasewing #cno #pearlharbor #hawaii #kanielaing
Dear #Navy & #AirForce #PacFleet,
You should be in #Maui.
Where is the strongest military on the planet?
Hundreds are dead. Many hundreds are missing.
Get the hospital ship to Maui, generators and start putting up medical tents.
Please boost.
#JointBasePHH #thejointstaff
#USPacificFleet #SecDef #COMPACFLT #Hickam #15thAirBaseWing #CNO #PearlHarbor #Hawaii
Read from Maui
#navy #airforce #pacfleet #maui #jointbasephh #thejointstaff #uspacificfleet #secdef #compacflt #hickam #15thairbasewing #cno #pearlharbor #hawaii
#DidYouKnow: The #CNO #Cycle is one of the two known sets of #Fusion reactions by which stars convert #Hydrogen to #Helium which is more efficient at the Sun's core temperature.
The CNO cycle is hypothesized to be dominant in stars that are more than 1.3 times as massive as the Sun.
#helium #hydrogen #fusion #cycle #cno #didyouknow
I was a nurse for 10 years in Scotland. So why can't I get certified in Canada? - Macleans #Scotland #Nurses #CNO #onthealth #NNAS #RN #OntarioHospitals #RegisteredNurse #onpoli @onpoli @ontariogreens
#scotland #nurses #cno #onthealth #NNAs #rn #OntarioHospitals #registerednurse #onpoli
Een inspiratiesessie volgen 'geef het welbevinden van je leerlingen een boost'' met deel 1: armoedebeleid. Straks volgt nog Coexist, meer dan samenleven. Leerkrachten doen hun best waar Liesbeth Homans faalt. #CNO #universiteitantwerpen
An Ontario nursing shortage has been predicted for years. Now, it’s turned into a ‘mega crisis’ #Nursing #RNAO #NursingShortage #CNO #ICU #onpoli
#nursing #nursingshortage #onpoli #icu #RNAO #cno