Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
1099 followers · 2185 posts · Server

"Radiation is homeowners’ problem, Canadian nuclear regulator says"

"The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission () says homeowners are responsible for dealing with the toxic effects of waste rock from nearby mines that was allegedly used as infill on their properties."

#cnsc #uranium #canada #nuclear #NuclearWaste #elliotriver #environment

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
699 followers · 7550 posts · Server

Fukushima was no accident
March 10, 2023

"The 12th anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster is an excellent moment for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to take a long, hard look in the mirror. What it will see is an agency that excels at spinning out talking points about Canada’s 'world class' nuclear industry along with hype about new unproven nuclear technologies. What it won’t see is an agency that rigorously demands answers to difficult questions like just what is happening with long-in-the-tooth pressure tube systems inside decades-old reactors.

"Unfortunately, too many of our political leaders listen to the CNSC’s spin instead of examining the agency’s actions. They are oblivious to the fact that the CNSC has allowed its own requirements for assuring pressure tube integrity to be violated, and that its staff see their job as perpetuating the industry in first and foremost rather than truly demanding the 'world class' safety standards the agency pays lip service to in its communications.

" has important lessons to teach us about what happens when a regulatory system becomes co-opted into propping up an industry instead of examining its fundamental safety. Far from being the result of 'once in a millennium' event, the conditions for the disaster were sown by lax oversight and a far too cozy relationship between the nuclear industry and its supposed regulators, according to the country’s own legislative assessment. The post-accident examination carried out by the Diet (legislature) of Japan found that there was no separation between nuclear regulation and promotion in the country, with the result that the nuclear industry became 'an unstoppable force, immune to scrutiny by civil society.'"

It also found that: “Despite having a number of opportunities to take measures, regulatory agencies and management deliberately postponed decisions, did not take action, or took decisions that were convenient for themselves.” There are some very worrying parallels between that statement and the refusal of the to demand real proof from Power Generation and Bruce Power that pressure tube systems are operating within safe limits."

Read more:

#nuclear #canada #japan #fukushima #tepco #cnsc #ontario #waterislife #StopTEPCO #nonukes #candu #fukushimaanniversary

Last updated 2 years ago

Melinda Marks · @melindamarks
120 followers · 76 posts · Server

Great first day at the first standalone Cloud Native SecurityCon event. With , app dev modernization, and high usage of open source software, this will be an increasingly important security conference

#digitaltransformation #CNSCon #cnsc #cloudnative #devsecops #cloudsecurity

Last updated 2 years ago